"And you have no power. Because the power... is in the pager." Cristina added as George's pager went off.

"That's the Chief with something important and powerful." George said. "No need for pagers covered with glue and glitter when you work for the Chief."

"Rebecca." Izzie looked back at Meredith and I once Cristina and George were gone.

"Me and my world-class neurosurgeon are gonna use a cutting-edge technique to save a life." Meredith shrugged. "So I don't have time for crazy. Work it out."

"Work it out." Izzie mocked the other woman as she left, then turning to me. "Rebecca?"

"I have a son to raise and job to handle, I don't have time for crazy either." I shook my head as both of our pagers went off. "If you have a problem with Rebecca, talk to Alex about it."

"Ooh, a trauma." Izzie grinned at her pager as we both headed towards the stairs to get down to the ER. "Anyways, can't you talk to him? Aren't you and Alex best friends or something?"

"I refer you back to my earlier statement. Joel is my son, not you and Alex. Solve your own problems." I told her as I pulled on my trauma gown.

"What do we got?" Cristina asked as she joined us.

"Not, 'what do we got?'" Izzie corrected her. "What do I got, I don't know."

"Sparkle pager rules." Cristina held up the pager for us to see. "Whatever it is, it's mine now."

"What do we have?" Bailey asked as she, Mark, and Hahn came over to pull on their own trauma gowns.

"I don't know." I told them.

"I don't know. Sparkle pager." Cristina showed Bailey.

"No." Izzie shook her head. "You can't sparkle pager it. It's not her pager."

"Yang, it's yours." Bailey decided. "Watley, you're with us too. Stevens, cover the pit. You volunteer to oversee Karev's post-ops?"

"Yes," Izzie hesitated before nodding.

"Don't have time for pettiness. Go." Bailey waved her off, oblivious to Cristina standing behind her with a wide grin on her face.

"Hey, Callie." Hahn greeted the other doctor as Izzie left.

"Hi. Hello, Erica." Callie nodded awkwardly.

"What's the matter?" Hahn asked.

"Nothing. Nothing." Callie said, glancing between Mark and Hahn.

"You look all hot and bothered." Mark commented.

"No. It's just, there's a trauma, and it's really big. That's all. It's big." Callie told him, clearly lying through her teeth. "It's a big trauma."

"You're acting weird." Bailey shook her head as I followed her out into the ER.

"Really big trauma." Callie stated loudly behind us.

"Torres, it's like you never seen a really big trauma before." Bailey pulled on her gloves. We all came to halt at the trauma we saw before us. It was a young man encased in cement.

"Oh, my." Hahn muttered.

"Really big trauma." Cristina whispered, earning a nod of agreement from me.

"So how you want to handle this?" One of the four firefighters standing around the patient asked.

"I... Uh..." Bailey struggled to find the right words

"Help me." The patient asked, seeming to be close to tears. "Please. Help me."


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