Potions: 1908

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I sit next to Leta, nervous for our first Potions lesson. It's Friday so Potions is our only lesson. To relax, I think back to Transfiguration and Charms which are my favourite lessons. I didn't think too much of Charms until that lesson. Professor Quick is a very nice teacher.

Professor Warren arrives. She speaks to us.

"Good Morning class and welcome to Potions. Unlike any other lesson, this lesson doesn't involve wands. But you can still do impressive things. You can brew fame, bottle glory and I dare say some of you might be able to put a stopper in death."

On this she looks at Leta for a split second. The Lestranges are known to be particularly gifted at Potions. Leta is no exception. I mean, she learnt everything from her parents.

"Today class, you will be making a simple potion which is a cure for boils. Now, please get into groups of three and you may start. Instructions are on the board."

She flicks her wand and instructions appear on the blackboard. I turn to Leta.

"Who are we going to work with?" I ask.

Leta points to one of the Ravenclaw girls coming our way. I know her. It's Liberty Melling. She has long, brown hair and brown eyes. She's also one of the smartest Muggle borns (and students) in the class.

"Hey Amber. I was wondering-"

"Say no more." I reply with a smile.

She stands next to us and together we work on the potion. I struggle with Potions because I often put too much of an ingredient in by accident. This time however, I don't.

Our group is the first to finish. We bottle some of it and give it to Warren. She smiles at us.

"Well done girls. 10 points to your houses."

We smile at each other and begin to clean up. As we do, we hear an explosion. We turn around and I smile when I see that it came from Oscar's group.


It isn't long until the lesson finishes. I walk with Leta to the large tree in the courtyard. Today has been a good day.

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