Broken & Crazy: 1914

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I get up the next day. Leta and I walk to the Great Hall and, as expected, Newt's eyes are red and puffy. He's been crying.

I slump into a seat. My appetite has gone so I don't feel like eating. Leta, however, eats her porridge unfazed by last night's events. I'm amazed.

"How can you eat at a time like this?"

She turns to me.

"Because I'm hungry."

Her sarcasm makes me smile slightly. At least I still have Leta. If she'd been expelled too, I might have gone crazy. I look at Newt again. Although his head is in a book, I can see a tear slip down his face. I still can't believe that this is it. Newt's going to go. I'm never going to see him again. Leta pats my shoulder and smiles at me.

"It's going to be ok, Amber. After all, it's not goodbye forever."

Little did we know how wrong she'd be.


Ten minutes later, I go to say goodbye to Newt. Leta went straight away but I went to my dorm first. To pick up Newt's departure gift. Something to remember me by. It's Pickett.

He squirms in my hand as we make our way to Newt. I see him talking to Leta and flatten against a wall. Their conversation goes on for ages and just as I begin to get bored, I pick up on three words. That stab me like daggers.

"I love you."

My mouth falls open as he kisses Leta. On the lips. I feel my heart break into a million pieces as my eyes prickle with tears.

He kissed Leta.

He kissed Leta.

A smirk creeps onto my face as Leta slaps him. Her slaps are known to be painful. He falls to the ground, holding his cheek. Leta looks at me and I walk out, putting Pickett firmly in my pocket.

"Hello, Newt."


"Yeah. It's me."

I watch as he gets up.

"H-How's life?"

"How's life? HOW'S LIFE!! You kiss my best friend in front of me and then ask me how's life!!!"

"A-Amber I didn't I I'm sorry."

I scowl at him, my blood boiling. Then, I do something I never in a million years thought I'd do.

I slap him.

He doesn't fall this time. Tears spring to his eyes as he holds his now red cheek. My past self would apologise immediately.

But there's a reason why it's my 'past' self. Because I've passed it.

I storm out of Hogwarts, blanking out Newt's pleads for me to forgive him. I only stop when Leta calls to me.


I turn around. A crowd of students have gathered. Newt and Black in the centre of them. The sound of snapping wood hits my ears as Black snaps Newt's wand. I hear the pieces drop to the ground as the crowd disperse. I watch as Newt scrambles for the pieces and gets up. I see tears stream down his face. But my heart of fresh stone doesn't care.


I call to her. She comes to me.

"You coming?"

A smile stretches across her face.


Once we are out of the gates, I grab Leta's hand and we apparate to my father's new hideout.

The old cotton mill.

When we get there, Leta's mother, Naomi brings us to him.

When I see him he smiles at us.

"Amber? Leta? What a pleasant surprise. Why are you here?"

"Oh don't worry Father. I'll tell you everything."


After I finish my tale, Father is angry.

"I can't believe this! Scamander's son, hurt my daughter! I'm so sorry about this Amber."

A thought occurs in my mind. I close my eyes and think about my alter ego. When they open, my eyes are more cat like, amber in colour and have a crazy glint in them. My long hair is now black as well. I smile at Leta, Father and his friends.

"It's not Amber anymore.

It's Shadow."

Codename: Shadow (Newt Scamander)Where stories live. Discover now