Scarred for life: 1914

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Newt's P.O.V

The battle slowly draws down to a close. There are a ton of casualties. Including myself. Some spell hit me on the arm and wounded me. It hurts so much! Leta runs over to me.

"Newt! Are you ok?"

I show her my wound and she gasps.


The wound heals and the pain fades. I smile at her.

"Thanks. Have you seen Amber?" I ask.

"No. I've not seen her for a bit, actually."

"Oh. It's just, after we kissed she said that she was going back to your side."

"You kissed? Again!"


She hugs me and smiles. Suddenly, Theseus walks over.

"Newt, Leta. You might want to see this."

He leads us to the dead bodies and, lying there peacefully, is Amber. My heart, once giddy from our second kiss, shatters into a million pieces.

"No..." Whispers Leta.

Tears streak down both our faces as we stare at the body of our friend, cold as marble and moving no more. Leta hugs me and I hug her back. Suddenly, Grindelwald walks over and freezes when he sees Amber.

"My baby girl...gone." He says.

He turns to me and Leta.

"Do you know what happened?"

I shrug but Leta opens her mouth.

"Someone fired a killing curse in Newt's direction. I guess Amber jumped in its path. Just like Olly." She says.

I'm left speechless. Amber gave her life to save me. Me. That just proves how much she loves me. I wipe my eyes as more tears slowly roll down my face. I don't want Amber to be dead. This isn't how it's supposed to be. We're supposed to be together.

Suddenly, I notice a piece of paper in Amber's pocket. I bend down and pick it up. It's her will.

Amber Grindelwald's will

To Father, I leave Sasha. Make sure she gets a good home.

To Leta, I leave my chocolate frog card collection, that green dress you like and the matching shoes, and all my books except one.

Finally to my dearest Newt, I leave my copy of 'Jarvey's 101: 3rd edition' and my beloved Bowtruckle, Pickett. Look after both of these gifts well.

I love you all.

I smile at the will. She's trusting me with Pickett. Speaking of which, where is he?

"Um Leta?"

She turns to me.


"Where's Pickett?"

"On that oak tree, two trees away from the one you were up."


I run over to the tree and huddled on one of the branches is Pickett. I reach out my arm.

"Hey, Pickett. You can come down now. Please."

Timidly, Picket gets onto my arm and I lift him down. He cocks his head like a bird and clicks when he sees my obvious tear stains. I gulp.

"Well, you see, um, Amber is d-dead." I stutter.

Pickett clicks again and snuggles into my neck, seeing my distress. I smile.

"At least I have you to remember her by."

I slowly walk back to Leta and notice a leather bound book in her hands. She smiles at me.

"I just popped back to the mill to collect this for you."

She passes the book to me. I run my finger over the emblazoned title 'Jarvey's 101' and smile. I've always wanted a copy of this book and now I do.

Suddenly, Grindelwald grabs Leta by the arm.

"Leta. The ministry is coming for us. We have to go."

Leta looks at me, a sadness in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Newt. I have to."

"I'll miss you." I say.

"I'll miss you more." She replies.

We hug, tears rolling down both our faces. Leta runs to her parents and links hands. Clutching Pickett in my left hand, I wave at her for the final time. She mouths the word 'Goodbye' as the group apparate away. I wipe my eyes and walk away, a final thought about her in my head.

I'll miss you most, Leta.

I'll miss you most.

A.N: One more chapter to go!!!

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