Kiss the boy: 1914

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I look at the door from my place on the sofa. Leta and I were talking about Transfiguration, Pickett chipping in with various clicking noises.

The voice belongs to a sixth year; Darcy Lord.

"I don't know who did it but you have to come!"

"OK but-"

Darcy grabs my hand and pulls me away from Leta, Pickett just clinging on to my cloak. She takes me to the hospital wing.

And that's where I see Newt.


I run over to the bed he's in. He looks a mess. He has a black eye, a scar on the right of his forehead, a bleeding lip and a bent nose.

"What happened?" I ask, standing next to him.

"Erm, I heard some Gryffindor students saying mean things about you. Calling you names and stuff. So I told them to stop it and - well - here I am."

I'm in shock. Newt really does still care. I smile at him and he smiles back. I love his smile. Almost as much as I love him. A wacky thought flashes through my mind.

"So, how's life?" He asks.

I step closer to him.

"Fine. Great, actually."

One step closer.

"Oh. How's Leta?"

"She's fine."


The conversation slowly grows empty. I know how to fill it again. I bend over Newt and...

...I kiss him.

When I get back up, I see his face has turned red and that Pickett climbed onto my shoulder and is smiling. I feel a bit flustered myself. Unable to think of anything else to say I decide to leave.

"Bye Newt."

"See you Amber."

I walk back to the Slytherin Common Room and smile a little.

I can't believe I kissed Newt.

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