The Sorting: 1908

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First years get to Hogwarts on boats. I follow Leta to one and we set off across the Black Lake. I stick my finger in the lake and let it trail through the cool water. It's surprisingly relaxing.

We are met at Hogwarts by Professor Elizabeth Warren, Potions teacher and Head of Slytherin. She seems to be in her early 30s and has a stern expression on her face. Yet, her voice is sweet.

"Hello children and welcome to Hogwarts. My name is Professor Warren and I teach potions. In a few minutes time you will be sorted into your houses. They are: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and my house, Slytherin.Whilst you are here your house will be like your family in Hogwarts. You will have lessons with them. Any triumphs will earn house points whilst rule breaking will result in them being taken away."

She leads us into the Great Hall. The Sorting Hat sits on a stool on the stage. Professor Warren unrolls a scroll and begins reading names.

"Arndale, Rupert."

"Hmm. I see ambition, loyalty and wit. Hmm. I see a thirst to prove your strength. But which house? Hmm. I know, Gryffindor!!

The Gryffindor table cheers. Time passes and more names get shouted.

"Dunston, Evie; Fulham, Darren; Garett, Ruby.

"Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin!

Slowly the names sound closer to mine until:

"Gisburn, Amber."

I let go of Leta's hand and slowly make my way to the stool. I hear people whispering. There's a rumor going around that my father is Grindelwald. At least, they think it's a rumor. There's a reason why my surname is different in Hogwarts. My father changed it so I wouldn't get bullied. I sit down on the stool and the sorting hat is put on my head. It doesn't take long for it to reach a decision.


I get off the stage and walk to the Slytherin Table. Father should be proud.


Ten minutes later and now it's Leta's turn. She sits on the stool and no sooner than the hat is placed on her dark, wavy hair it shouts:


I smile as she walks and sits next to me. We get to share a dorm! I'm so happy! There's only a few students left to be sorted and then we can go.

"Scamander, Newton."

I see the boy from the train walk over to the stool. I nudge Leta and point him out.

"That's the boy from the train." I say.

She nods, watching him trip on his robes and fall over. Laughter erupts from everyone except us two. The loudest laughter comes from the two boys from the train and platform. Now I know their names.

The tallest one with jet black hair and blue eyes is called Oscar. The shorter one with brown hair and brown eyes is called Solomon. He has a crush on me. I can tell. They're both in Slytherin. I hate them.

I resume my view on Newton. He's turned red. I feel sorry for him. The sorting hat gets placed on his head and almost instantly shouts,


I watch him as he walks over to the Hufflepuff table, utterly embarrassed.


The Head Prefect of Slytherin, Melanie Watson, leads us to the Slytherin Common Room.


The snake patterned door opens into an emerald and silver common room. She turns to us.

"You will find your luggage is in your Dormitory and already unpacked. Curfew is ten o'clock. I hope you enjoy your time as a Slytherin." She says.

I follow Leta to our dorm and choose a bed next to her. The other two girls in my dorm are Jade Merryweather and Ellie Wilson. They're actually quite nice. Jade loves Potions but can't stand Transfiguration and Ellie loves Transfiguration but hates Potions. My best subject is Transfiguration and Leta's is Potions so we go together perfectly. I fall asleep thinking about lessons. I can't wait to start them!

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