Curiosity killed the Newt: 1914

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Newt's P.O.V

"Let's get you home now."

I walk to the Forbidden Forest, holding a Niffler. I found him in the Forest badly wounded. I couldn't leave him there. He was OK to look after. Except, he's a scratcher. My arms are a mess! But at least he's ok.

I'm walking past the Ravenclaw Tower when I see a figure move. Towards a classroom. I don't really want to follow but my curiosity kicks in and I can't help it. I slowly walk through the darkness until I find a classroom door ajar with light streaming out. I hear voices.

"So. Where are you keeping this experiment then?"

"It's somewhere in this classroom. Do me a favour and help me find it."


I peek in and catch sight of Amber. What is she doing here? I lean too hard on the door and it suddenly swings open and I trip over my own feet and fall on the floor. Hard.

"Newt! What are you doing here!" Amber whispers.

"I could ask you the same." I reply, embarrassed.

"If you must know, I'm showing Amber my experiment." Whispers Leta.


I clamber onto my feet and realise that I dropped the Niffler.

"Have either of you seen a Niffler since I got here?" I ask.

"Why?" Asks Amber.

"Well, I was bringing one back to the forest and I detoured up here and now I've lost it." I reply, head bowed in embarrassment.

"Newt!" Says Amber, angrily.

I begin to look around for him. He could have gotten anywhere.

"Found it!" Says Amber triumphantly.

"Found what?" I say, looking up excitedly.

"Leta's experiment."

"Oh..." I reply, my voice tinged with disappointment.

I resume my hunting for the Niffler. Where is he?

Suddenly I hear the door open again.

"Amber? Leta? Newt? What are you all doing here?"

The three of us look at the door and see Liberty standing in the frame, Prefect badge shining on her cloak and arms crossed. We're all lost for words.

"Well?" She asks, irritated.
My eyes dart to Leta and Amber. Leta eventually speaks up.

"I was just going to show Amber and Newt my experiment."

She points to a large, wooden tuck box covered in a white sheet.

"Do you want to see it as well?" She asks.

"Erm, ok." Answers Liberty, her frown disappearing.

Leta picks up a corner of the white sheet to lift it off. At the same time, I spot the Niffler beside a cupboard. I go to catch him and that's where it goes wrong.

I trip on the part of the white sheet trailing on the floor and it falls on top of me. The Niffler slips just out of my reach and hides in a box.

Suddenly I hear someone screaming in pain. I pull the sheet off me and see that Leta's experiment is attacking Liberty. I recognise what it is immediately. Nundu breath!

"Leta! Your experiment is Nundu breath!"

"A replication."

"Are you insane!"

"So what if I am."

I stare at her.

"Not making the situation better, got it." She replies, embarrassed.

Liberty's screams get worse. Louder and scarier. I try to block them out but I am unable to. The atmosphere is horribly intense. Amber and Leta are panicking. I go to reassure them when the door suddenly swings open again.

Professors Quick, Furose, Warren, Dumbledore and Headmaster Black stand in the frame.

"Take Miss Melling to the hospital wing and call her parents." Says Black to Quick and Dumbledore.

He turns to us three, a thunderous glare in his eyes.

"Gisburn! Lestrange! Scamander! My office!! Now!!!"

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