Thinking out loud: 1914

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We are in Headmaster Black's office. A place you don't want to be. I feel sick and Newt won't stop fidgeting with his fingers. Leta squeezes my hand and it makes me really want to do the same to Newt. But it would just be awkward. A whole bowl full of awkward.

Actually, thinking about Newt, if he hadn't brought that Niffler then none of this would have happened.

"It was his fault."


Leta nudges my shoulder and I realise that I spoke out loud. My eyes dart to Newt and I see that he's frozen in fear and shock.

"I didn't mean that!"

Black narrows his eyes at me.

"What she meant was, Newt rescued a Niffler and brought it with him and it's because of the Niffler that he tripped." Says Leta.

Black's eyes narrow at Newt. Newt gulps, terrified.

"Mr Scamander, not only did you endanger a student's life, you brought in a wild beast which you know is against the rules."

"But sir! He wouldn't hurt-"

"Enough Mr Scamander! I have no choice but to expel you from Hogwarts. You will leave tomorrow after breakfast. I will be in the yard to snap your wand."

"But sir-"

"I said enough Miss Gisburn. You all may go."

"Yes sir." We say simultaneously.

The three of us shuffle away. I keep looking at Newt. He looks as though he's about to cry. I'm not surprised. I feel awful. I need to learn to stop thinking out loud.

Just before Newt goes to the Hufflepuff common room, I speak to him.

"Newt. I'm so sorry for saying that. I didn't mean it."

He turns to me.

"It's ok. It was my fault, after all. Don't beat yourself up about it. I'll be fine."

He bites his wobbling lip.

"You'll see."

I watch as he walks away. I look at Leta.

"He's not fine, is he."

She shakes her head, obviously saddened by Newt's distress.

"Just checking." I reply sadly.

We walk back to our common room in silence, Newt's words repeating in my mind.

I'll be fine.

He won't. I know he won't.

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