Charms: 1908

210 6 0

Amber's P.O.V

Leta and I run to Charms, giggling. Apparently, someone got their homework torn up. I know that whoever it is will probably get a detention. I love it when people get in trouble.

We walk into to class and sit in our places. The Slytherins are speculating who they think is in trouble as sir comes round to collect it. We had to write an essay on the history of the Lumos spell.

Suddenly, Newt bursts in. Five minutes late and clutching his ruined homework. I see Oscar and Solomon smirking and collecting Sickles from the others. I watch as Newt slowly walks over to Quick. Quick grabs the homework out of his hands and crumples it up without even looking at it.

"You call this homework! This isn't what I expect from you. Thesius wouldn't do this. You're a disappointment to the Scamander name! Dentention, Thursday from 5 till 7 and 10 points from Hufflepuff. That should teach you a lesson. Now sit down!!"

"Y-yes sir." Newt squeaks.

He sits down and slumps onto his hand. Leta and I give Newt a sympathetic look and he smiles slightly. I watch as Quick flicks through the essays and pulls one out.

"Ah, this is more like it. Well done to Miss Gisburn. 10 points to Slytherin. You could learn something from her, Mr Scamander."

I blush when he says my name. The Slytherins cheer and Jade slaps me on the back happily. The Hufflepuffs shoot daggers at Newt.

"Stupid Scamander, can't go a day without losing more than 5 points." Is what they mutter.


The lesson finishes and we walk out to our common room. I find Newt and Leta and I go over to him.

"Newt. What happened to your homework?" Leta asks.

"Oh, it was nothing." He says.

I catch him glancing at Oscar and Solomon and put two and two together.

"It was Oscar, wasn't it." I say.

Newt says nothing and runs to his common room. I stare at Leta.

"What was that about?"

She shrugs and walks to the common room. Father sent me a letter so I go to the Owlrey. His owl, Spark, is cleaning his feathers. I take the letter and go to the Slytherin Common Room. I can't wait to hear from him!

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