Lucas, Just Lucas

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They both fell to the ground.


Aurelia winced. "I'm so sorry!"

"It's not your fault." The young man she had collided with told her. He had copper brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. Freckles were splashed across his face. A book laid on the ground near him. It had skidded across the floor a little bit. "I wasn't looking where I was going."

"Me neither!" Aurelia almost smiled, nearly forgetting her problems. But she didn't. She couldn't forget so easily. She picked up his book. "The Adventures of Robin Hood? I love this book. I swear I've read it so many times I have it memorized by now." She told him. He smiled. Aurelia handed it back to him and stood up. She offered him a hand up.

"Thank you." He said taking it. "You know, Robin Hood is one of my favorites too." He said. Aurelia smiled. "I'm Lucas by the way. Just Lucas."

"Well, Lucas, I'm sure you have some where better to be so I'll apologize once more." Aurelia attempted to curtsy, but ended up wobbling. "And let you be on your way." She told him.

"It's really not necessary. I should have paid more attention. It was my fault." Lucas told her. He had had his nose stuck in a book. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Aurelia frowned, remembering what the king had told her. "Could you please point me in the direction of the garden?"

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