Soon enough, we reached a tent. It seemed to be abandoned yet it could still be used. Rick signalled for us to stop moving and to crouch down. I did as he told us and observed the tent. It wasn't exactly the safest place.

"She could be in there." Shane suggested.

"It could be a whole bunch of things in there." Daryl replied.

Him, Rick, Shane and Ryan went forward. The rest of us stood behind. I noticed Daryl going around the tent trying to see inside. Rick called out to Carol. She went to him and the rest of us followed.

"Call out softly. If she's in there, your voice is the first she should hear." Rick explained.

"Sophia. Sweetie, are you in there? Sophia, it's mommy. Sophia, we're all here, baby. It's mommy." Carol called out desperately.

But no response. Rick went to Daryl who slowly unzipped the tent as Rick and Shane pointed their guns at it. Daryl entered the tent as Rick and Shane started coughing. I furrowed my eyebrows confused by their reaction.

For a second, my mind came up with worrying scenarios and I almost called out for Daryl. Thankfully I stopped myself before saying anything. It's like I forgot how much we disliked each other for a moment. He exited the tent all alone.

"Ain't her." He said.

"What's in there?" Andrea asked.

"Some guy. Did what Jenner said. Opted out. Is that what he called it?" Daryl said.

Suddenly, a sound of bells spread through the woods. I tensed at the sound having gotten used to the silence of the apocalypse. Daryl listened for a bit then pointed right. My feet carried me quickly trying to keep up with the rest of the group.

"What direction?" Shane asked.

"I think that way. I'm pretty sure." Rick said.

"Dang, it's hard to tell out here." Shane commented.

If the bells are ringing, then maybe someone is ringing them. It's a bad move on the person's part though. Ever walker within miles would hear it and come in its direction. Maybe it's meant for people to hear.

"If we hear them, maybe Sophia does too." Carol suggested.

"Well, someone's ringing them so it could be their way to tell us that they found her." I added.

Every brain cell that I have screams that this isn't smart. If the people who are ringing the bells aren't dangerous, the walkers that hear them are. I'm so glad that Abby stayed behind with Dale. If only Ryan stayed there, too.

"She could be ringing them herself. Come on." Rick demanded.

I followed them as they continued running. The sound of bells got louder and louder. We reached what looked like a cemetery. In the distance, I could see a white church standing out.

"That can't be it. It's got no bells." Shane objected.

Rick ignored him and went towards it. He probably still blames himself for Sophia going missing. If you think about it, this is just his desperate attempt at finding her. Who could blame him for having hope?

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