"Well.. Let's scope out the room first, then we can send a monitor look out." He says. He grabs a small pouch and we all head out of the room. We're almost to my room when I see Taehyung. He's walking up to us quickly. Ivan and Sam look at me. And before our eyes Taehyung pulls me to his dorm. I grab my dorm key and toss it to Ivan and he nods as he catches it. They proceed with the plan.

Taehyung walks right in because Ivan didn't lock the door. He pulls me inside and locks the door behind us. "Taehyung. What are you doing? We're going along with the plan." I say. He pushes me up against the wall. "I want to be with you Val." He says. My eyes widen. "What? No. We can't be-". "I don't care about the plan. I don't care about Lauren." His hands trap me as he presses them against the wall.

"I don't care about Lauren. You don't have to care about her. But you have to care about the plan. Its your plan." I say. His deep brown eyes staring at me. "Then I call off the plan." He says. I shake my head. "No. We can't. We're so close. We're so close Taehyung. Ivan is-". "Oh. And about that." He pauses. "I don't like that you and Ivan are getting closer." My eyebrows knit. "What? You're being outrageous. I can get close to whom ever I want. He's my friend." I say.

Taehyung's POV.

Well shit. She's pissed. Her arms now crossed over her chest. Her cute eyebrows knit, the left side of her nose wrinkled. She was looking cute instead of looking mad. "A friend yeah. Go ahead. But I don't want you to be close with him." She bites her lip. "Oh. My. Gosh. You're talking like you're my dad.. Or my boyfriend. Which you're not." My jaw clinches. She was right. I was being dominant with her like she's mine.

"Because I want to be your boyfriend Valerie. Do I have to say it numerous times until you're satisfied?" I ask. "Taehyung! You're fucking Lauren!" She screams, her cheeks red. "Do you think I want to be Fucking her?! She's disgusting! And I only went with your rule!" She looks at me in shock, those lips parted.

I lean in. "I don't feel anything with her, at all. AT ALL, Valerie." I whisper. Her beautiful eyes staring at me, a light pink shade tinted her cheeks. "Not being able to talk to you or be with you for the pass week, has been killing me." I confess. "And its only made things worse, because it made me realize that I wanted you." My nose brushes hers. "That everything I've experienced with her. I wanted to experience with you."

And those words seemed to trigger something inside her. She brings her lips to mine. Her hands caressing my face, deepening the kiss. I bring her body to mine, I wanted her against me. Her arms wrap around my neck, and she seemed to pull down on me. So I help her out by picking her up by her thighs. I pick her up so high that she has to drop her head to kiss me back.

I'm surprised when her tongue begs for entrance, and of course I let her in. I was new to this, but I wanted to learn. I'd be learning a new thing from her. Her skills were very good, and I quickly learn. She smiles against my lips, causing me to smile back. "What?" I ask. "You learn fast." She says reconnecting our lips, making me chuckle. I press against her. I slowly pull away, my lips falling to her neck. This time she doesn't fight it.

Her head thrown back, her fingers tangled in my hair. I can hear her breathing become hard, her chest elevating. I remember where that spot was, I let my lips light run over it. I was teasing. Her grip tightens on my hair, making me smile. She pushed into me, I can tell that the spot made her feel something. I kiss it, slowly. A small whine leaves her lips. There's a bang at the door. She smacks her hand over her mouth. I keep my face buried in her neck.

I tried to catch my breath, and I also liked the way she smelt. She smelt like the sweet fuity perfume, unlike Lauren, where you can tell that she's wearing way too much perfume. Enough to suffocate you, gross. "Taehyung! Its Ivan. Open the door, I left my key." He says on the other side. I slowly set her down. I lift her chin with my thumb. "Think about what I've said." I whisper. She nods. She pecks my lips, I pull the back of her head to kiss me longer.

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