Chapter 12

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'Hey Callum.' You began to type on the slim device held in your quaky hand. ' I forgot to say but Brandon asked for something to smoke when you visit him.'

You pressed send with great hesitation. You hated what you were doing but for Brandon it was worth it. The guilt bottled you up and clouded your mind even when it was barely functional to begin with.

Jack had done as he promised, he always does what he says. Take your friends away from you and make you hate yourself. Hate yourself was an understatement to say the least. You shoved the phone deep in your cotton pocket of your f.c sleep wear praying that the madman hadn't noticed you had it. You had taken it back for the day so you didn't get in much trouble from your parents. If the clown had found out you'd be a goner.

"Little do you know .." You begin to sing quietly to yourself as you cleaned your almost perfect chambers. "How I'm breaking while you fall asleep.."

You places your books on your shelf, alphabetically like you had always. "little do you know I'm still haunted by the memories."

Your hands became stiff, pained from the cold draft from the originating from your open window. "Little do you know I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece."

"Little do you know I have a fucking headache!!" Jack shouted while slamming a inky black hand down on the oak desk. You looked at him with a blank expression. Your soft tune was no longer sung. A million horrifying thoughts crossed your mind all at once. Parts were memories, other parts were fantasies and desires. Yet not a single one of them made any emotion run to your s.c face. He glared at your lack of response. Normally he'd hear "Sorry, Jack." Or something along those lines but his only response was a hard hitting glare. Your lack of reaction baffled him.


You nod focussing your attention elsewhere.

"You're not responding like you normally do."

You shrug. Your eyes stared back to your shelf putting the last book in place before stepping down, moving to your mind capture. His beady dark eyes followed you but the feeling instinctually shook from you as you were used to being watched.


You ignored him, grabbing a shiny f.c ribbon from your desk. The soft threaded material in your hands twisted out as soon as you reached up, intwining it with your soft h.c beautiful mane.

"Don't ignore me!"

You did just that. His blood boiled in his snowy body. Thin, messy, fabric moved intensely on his body as he breathed heavily, allowing they frays of strong to swing like microscopic vines. You noticed it and feared his next action. Regret filled your mind.

"I will fucking end you." He squawked but you ignored him further to try and sit though it. He got up. Using his dagger like fingers he snatched the book from your vision and threw it across the room into the pastel walls.

"Goodnight Jack." Agitation filling your voice as you murmur through gritted teeth.

You get up and switch off the light, moving back to the comfort of your bed and laying softly into the warm embrace of your bed covers.

"Is this some kind of joke?!" He roared switching the light on and tearing the sheets from your bed.

"No." You say turning over.

"Get the fuck up!" His nails sliced part of your arm as he pulled you up. Your phone falling from your pocket. You stare at it. Jacks eyes widened before pulling you up his eyes dead on yours.

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