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That night I had made it up to my bedroom, only to go back down to the screening room around two in the morning to watch Friends. However, I sleep without my robot leg which I had just named Loryn, so I had to hop over to my door and turn on the light so that I could see and not put Loryn on backwards. And then carefully make it downstairs and fall back asleep again in the screening room. It was a process.

Anyways, the day following Chris' party was the day of Jen and Jackson's wedding. And of course my plus one was my best friend.

The wedding went great. I got some weird looks because my bridesmaid dress showed of a lot of Loryn, but I didn't mind it. Jen looked beautiful and the service was really nice. Each bridesmaid was required to do a toast, and with things like this I tended to talk like Felicity, lots of rambling, lots of pauses, and lots of wording stuff wrong. At least I didn't have to stand and tap my glass with my fork or anything, the bridesmaids sat in a line at the front of the room and went down the line with our toasts.

"When Jen asked me to be a bridesmaid I was really surprised." I started off. "I think my mom knew Jen better than most people. She was the one person at my mom's company that really knew me. Even after my mom died Jen looked after my mom. Still brought her coffee, still dusted her office. So since my mom can't be here for Jen, I'm glad I can be, and she let me wear converse to her wedding. Congrats you two!" I sat back down and Jen's cousin, Leigh, took the next toast.

Soon enough the wedding was over and I had to go to lacrosse practice, where Chris came with me and Oliver drove. It should've be a short practice, considering that I was planning on resigning from captain and taking team leave until I could run and upgrades on Loryn were made so that she didn't break when I fell, which I had mentioned before happens a lot when you're a middie.

"Marks!" Tori shouted. "The hell are you wearing?" She asked about my periwinkle bridesmaid dress " And the hell've been?" She questioned referring to my missing a week of practice and another game.

I sighed. "I was in the hospital."

"Do you usually get hurt this much?" She asked.

"No, actually. But I'd like to resign from captain." I said.

"Melissa, you can't just show up here after being gone for a week in a freaking prom dress and tell me you don't want to be captain. We lost last weeks game because you were gone."

"Tori, it's not that I don't want to be captain. I was ready to kill for that position, it's just that I physically can't." I replied hiking up my dress and showing off Loryn.

"How the hell did this happen, Marks?" Tori questioned. I had really gotten her pissed off.

"I was struck by lightning." I replied. "Hit me right about here." I pointed out the spot two inches above my ankle. "Shattered almost my entire leg, not only that but it damaged too many of my nerves to make a recovery possible. I also get random pains from burns and I twitch sometimes from muscle spasms. I can't be this teams captain if I'm like this." I sighed. "I don't think I can even play anymore."

"I don't care." Tori replied. "You're still captain and you're still on the team. Just don't play. Still come to practice, practice with us if you want, still come to games. Just don't sit around and do nothing." She said. "You'll be back on the field sometime." Tori paused. "Go sit on the bleachers, be ready to pick out flaws."

I met Chris up on the bleachers.

"She seems harsh." Chris said about Tori.

"She is, but she values me as part of the team, she wouldn't let me step down from captain or quit the team." I paused. "You sure you ready to play a sport Chris? It takes commitment."

"I can commit to something." Chris said sounding offended.

"Chris, I've known you for what, nine, almost ten years? The only thing I've seen you commit to is you vigilante obsession." I shot back.

"Can we talk about that for a minute though? I am almost positive that Flash and Kid Flash have a connection to S.T.A.R. Labs." Chris said pushing hair out of his face.

"Really?" I asked adjusting my dress to cover Loryn "Why is that?"

"They specialize in metas. The only way the Flashes could've gotten their powers would be because they're metas."

"And?" I asked hoping for elaboration.

"That's it, that's all I've got." I nodded.

"Of course." I sighed. "Don't you think they would've gone public with it by now? And hasn't Flash been around before S.T.A.R. Labs re-opened?"

"Damnit Mel, you've gotta stop poking holes in everything I do." Chris said aggravated with his inability to outweigh my counterarguments.

"Got anything from Star City?" I asked.

"Arrow's been slow lately, letting the petty stuff get away. He has no big enemy right now, and it's been a while, which makes me think one will show up." Chris briefed me.

"You don't think he's finally scared anyone from trying to rise up against him?" I asked.

"People stupid enough to fight the green arrow aren't scared by to get shot at or arrested." Chis said. "The green arrow doesn't mean business like the original arrow, this newer guy, he's no killer." He pointed out.

» hey! sorry for not updating in over a month, life's been super busy getting back from break and all my weekends have been packed. Hopefully I'll be getting back on schedule soon!
»» holly

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