Today is the last day of vacations and I am going to live the best of it! Nothing would ruin it!

Joseph's POV

The music is that loud it could be heard from a really long distance. I am not a big fan of clubs, but I enjoy going now and then. I like the sound of dance music echoing in my ears that makes me lose the sense of place and time. It makes me feel complete freedom!

I am sitting at the bar with 2 friends drinking beer and watching the people dancing. The club is huge and it's connected to the beach, which I really like, because someone can sit at the beach listening to the music crystal clear and also people aren't on each other, as a matter of space at least. From what I see many of them are making out on the dance floor or on the club's white couches. On the other hand, others are just trying to find someone to hook up with and seriously some look really desperate.

I take a sip of my beer and keep looking around.

"Doesn't our summer vacation feel awesome?" Grant, a college friend, says grabbing my arm.

Grant is a really tall guy with broad shoulders, brown eyes and long hair that reaches his shoulder. He's wearing a white T-shirt with a logo showing 2 beers, and jeans. I look a bit up to meet his face.

"Yeah man! No finals, no projects, no responsibilities! Just having fun! What more can I ask?" I reply with a small laughter.

"Maybe a girl to spend the night with!" he answers showing me a group of girls dancing.

"Aaaaah what an amazing way to spice the night up! But I am not that desperate. I am going to relax here enjoying my drink and if someone catches my attention I am willing to give her the night of her dreams." I tell him with a smirk on my face.

He laughs saying "That's the way!" and we clink our bottles.

"What's the occasion?" Matt who just saw the clinking asks.

"Nothing! Just discussing what a nice time we are having on our summer vacations." I tell him putting my innocent face on.

"And how nice it would be to find a girl to have fun with." Grant adds giving me a light punch on the shoulder.

"Joseph can find a girl whenever he likes. He just looks at them and they are hypnotized! You Grant, just scare them off and they run away screaming!" Matt responds mimicking a screaming girl.

I burst out laughing and Grant looks at both of us really irritated.

"Ιt's still better than not talking to them at all." he answers back looking towards Matt, who lowers his eyes looking defeated.

"I don't think the phrase rub the lamp to see the genie is something you could say on a first date." I tease Grant with a smirk.

"That was a long time ago."

"And still no progress." I say and Matt can't hold his laughter.

"Ok ok I am really angry now, so I am going to buy a drink to calm myself." he warns us trying to look aggressive.

"I will come with you! I need another drink too, so I can be able to handle what you're going to say next." Matt jokes and takes his wallet from the table.

"Yes please! You should protect the poor unaware girls." I comment showing with my thumb the girls in the club.

"Really funny." Grant fake laughs before they leave.

Grant is a really nice person, I really enjoy spending time with him, but he always says the most inappropriate thing at the worst time. On the other side Matt is more quiet and shy, but around us he feels comfortable and he's one of the coolest guys I've ever met. Unfortunately he lacks confidence especially with girls. I don't know why. He's a bit skinny, but his hair is the color of honey and he has green eyes, which I believe are great characteristics for drawing a girl's attention. The problem is he doesn't know how to use his weapons. Also he's really trustworthy and he gives good piece of advice, while Grant thinks that the solution to everything is sex. I've met them in my first year in college in the Network class as we have the same major, Computer Science. Since that day we became really good friends.

Before we came to California for our summer vacations, we were in my beach house in Miami with my parents and my best friend Sophie.

Sophie is really loving and cute, but she is kind of antisocial and that gives the impression that she's a snob. Thank God she has me to remind her to keep it calm and be nice to people. She really hated Grant, because she is so delicate and gets nervous very easily, but to be fair Grant couldn't keep his mouth shut. I wonder how he didn't end up with his head on the barbeque.

While waiting for my douchebag friends to come back I take a look around again and my attention is caught by a girl at the dance floor. She's blonde with green eyes and a model body. She's wearing a tight red dress that leaves few to imagination and she's looking seductively towards my direction.


I smile at her and I pierce my eyes to hers. Then she starts dancing more provocatively and playing with her hair.

I bite my lip and she bites her index finger.

Without thinking I stand up and move to her direction. I started dancing while introducing myself.

"I am Joseph." I shout to her ear so she could hear me over the music.

"Sylvia." she replies touching my shoulder.

We keep dancing while talking about the usual first meeting stuff. Studies, why are we here, where we live...

As time passes the dancing becomes dirtier as our bodies getting closer and closer, while my hands are moving along with her hips in the music rhythm and I know that she wants what I want. It's summer, we are into each other, let's have some fun. Without losing any moment I grab her by the waist and kiss her. She responds to the kiss immediately and at the same time she's pulling me by my shirt collar. When she begins to feel more comfortable she touches my ass.

Mmmm I like it!

That's giving me permission to be more aggressive, so I lower my hand to hers too. When we finish the kiss she bites her lip and whispers in my ear.

"Let's get out of here."

The instant I hear those words I grab her by the hand and I move fast to my table, pushing aside the people in my way.

Grant and Matt are there and I can read their faces very well. Grant is like a proud father, who approves his son's choice and Matt is like watching the same movie for a millionth time. I leave Sylvia a little behind and I look the guys.

"I gotta go for a few hours." I inform them "Matt can you give me the card to our hotel room?" I plead.

"Tonight happened 1 hour before your predictable time." he mutters handing me over the key.

"Dude you make me so proud! She's smokin hot! Like a covergirl!" Grant comments enthusiastically.

"A cover girl for a cover boy." I wink with a wide smile on my face.

"Just get lost." Matt barges in.

"I will in her legs." I brag before I grab Sylvia from the waist and leave the club.

My mood is so hyped and nothing can go wrong!

A/N Note: Thanks for reading, any feedback is welcome. :)  

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