Chapter 40 - Final Chapter

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A/N Hey guys! ToxicDJ here with some really important news. So many of you awesome readers have read and loved this book that I am going to make a sequel! The title will be 'Joining Team Crafted' or something like that and I know several of you have been requesting a sequel so it is coming! But I will start to write it when this book recieves 2,000+ reads!!!! I know we can do it so better get reading and check back frequently incase any news pops up about the book. As soon as I get over 2,000 reads I will begin writting but until then, this will be the final chapter of TEAM CRAFTED'S NEW MEMBER! Hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter and be sure to get loads of people to read to get your sequel! TOXIC OUT!


We are all chilling t the park today. We bought a rucksack and were having a picnic with Bodil, Bashur, Team Crafted and the gurls. DJ had bought her football and was kicking it to and fro with Bodil, Bashur, Adam and Merome. Today was still hot but cooler than yesterday. Bodil and Bashur's flights got cancelled so they are stuck with us for a day or two until it's back. 

'No fair! What teh balls!?' Bashur shouted as he got hit in the stomach by the football from Jerome. 

'Get Pewface to lick it better!' DJ laughed.

'I will lick it better for you Bashur.' Bodil said.

'Chill out Bodil! Don't do that!' DJ kicked the ball and hit Bodil at the back of the head.

'Come on Ty. Wanna match?' Mitch said, wiping his forehead.

'6 a side! Come on!' Jerome said, leaning on Mitch.

'Lezzgo!' Me and Adam shouted and we split into teams.

DJ, Bodil, Adam, Ian, Mitch and Jerome was on one team and me, Quentin, Bashur, Jordan, Jason and Kaitlin were on the other. We used some sticks as goal posts and we got ready to have a match. Jason was in goal, Jordan on right-defence and Kaitlin on the left-defence, I was an upfront/striker and Quentin and Bashur were mid-fielders. On the other team Mitch was in goal with Adam as right-defence, Ian on left-defence, DJ as striker and Jerome and Bodil on mid-field. Five minute match, six a side, who will win... That sounds like a good line for a film advert! Read it again in a really dramatic voice and see what you think. We drew the match 3-3 and we were all really hot now. We collapsed under our spot in the shade and drank water. Some of us poured it on our faces which was really nice. We were leanig against the base of an old oak tree which we climbed a lot when we were kids. I got up and pulled out a knife from my pocket.

'Dude, what are you doing?' DJ said, standing behind me.

'Turn around and wait a minute.' I said.

I etched something into the tree and told her to look.

'Wow.... Thanks you Ty. I love you.' She said as she hugged me.

I had written 'Ty and DJ forever. #Toxiclox' and she traced over it with her fingers.

We went home because it was now too hot to be outside. I sat in a hammock we had in the garden and looked at the trunk of the tree we all climbed. We had carved our names into a few nights ago. I couldn't imagine life without DJ or the guys. Then I had a thought. There was one question I wanted to ask her, but it's awkward y'know. I sighed as I walked inside the house to find the guys getting ready to record.

'Come on! We are all recording a massive video together!' DJ said as she started up her recording software.

'Awesome! What are we recording?' I say as I boot up my computor.

'Wallz.' Adam said.

We record Walls, upload it and collapse with a cold drink from the fridge (see what I did there?). Jerome was flicking through the channels to see if anything good is on. Nothing.

'Why is it in summer there is nothing on the TV?' Jerome says to us.

'Because budder.' Adam says as he sips his coke.

I saw DJ roll her eyes and Kaitlin smile. 

It was around 10 at night and everybody was asleep. Well, almost everybody. DJ was standing outside looking upwards at the moon. It shone on her black hair and made a white shimmer in it. She had her hands in her pockets. I got up and walked outside to join her. Joining her by her side, she had her eyes shut and didn't know I was with her.

'Hey,' I said as I put a hand on her shoulder.

She took a few quick breaths and turned to look at me, the light shining in her eyes.

'You made me jump.' She said quietly.

'What's wrong. Why are you out here?' I say.

She sits down on the hammock and sighs. I join her and put my hand on her knee in comfort.

'You alright?' I say again.

'Yeah... Today is kinda bad for me.' She admits.


'It's the anniversery of my parent's death and when I tried to commit suicide...' DJ syays quietly.

'Oh my God. I'm sorry about your parents.' I pull her close to me.

'Don't be. I'm not sad about them being gone. I'm kinda glad in a way. God I sound so evil...'

'No. I understand.'

'I wasn't sad when they died, but they were the only family I have. I have so brothers, sisters, nans, grandads, aunties, uncles, nothing. You guys are the closest thing I have to them though.' DJ smiles which I return.

'DJ, look. We are your family now. Of course not literally but you get my idea. We all love you. I love you.' I say as I kiss her forehead.

'I love you too Ty.' She said as she rest on my shoulder. We were sat in the peaceful ight together. 

This was it. I had a question that I wanted to ask her. I have wanted to ask her for ages, but was too scared to. My heart was pounding in my chest and I could hear it in my ears. I knew I had to ask her. And I was going to. It was one question. And now was the time to ask her. 

'DJ...I have a question to ask you...'

Team Crafted's New Member (Team Crafted Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now