Chapter 30 - Minecon

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'Is anybody else coming?' DJ asks us.

'Like who?' Ian asks.

'Like Bodil40 and Bashurverse,' DJ says.

'They may come on the last day I think.' I say, fixing my baseball cap.

'Adam's gonna sing his parody on the last day. He's excited!' Quentin pats Adam on the back.

'Am not. I get embarrassed...' He twiddles his fingers.

DJ slings her arms around him and says in a baby voice, 'Don't worry Adam. We will be cheering you on!'

He claps his hands like the big kids he is. We stand and talk until it was around 10 minutes before the Minecon begins. Stall owners came in and began adjusting their wares, techy people sorted out the computors and other people did their stuff. 

'Not long now. This is the first of many Minecons with all of us! Not to mention PAX!' Mitch says.

'Wow! You guys really get invited to all the cool things,' DJ smiled as she turned her hat the other way around.

'You mean 'we' DJ. 'We' get invited to all the cool things.' Jordan corrected her.

'By the way, how comes you never came to a Minecon or PAX before with Mitch?' Ty asks.

'Last time I was busy. Had a party that I had to DJ for and it was kinda a big deal for the people who requested me so I couldn't miss it.' DJ says.

'How many parties and events have you DJed at then?' I ask her.

'Not that many. Only five. But each time I got paid really well so it does pay for itself.' DJ smiles at us.

'We'd better sit dow now. People will be coming in soon,' Ian says.

'So...we sit where are characters are right?' DJ asks.

'You are catching on!' Adam smiles.

From left to right it went Jordan, Quentin, Ian, me, DJ, Ty, Adam, Jerome, Mitch. We had a small bag under our desks which had pens to sign with. We picked our signature colours. Adam moaned because the Yellow one was broken so he had to use a golden-orange colour instead. It was close enough to yellow. I may have been doing this countless times, but I always get excited at this point in time. DJ was drumming on her lap something.

'You alright? Ya seem nervous.' I tell her.

'First Minecon isn't. You kinda have to be nervous.' She smiled.

'All you do is sign stuff for them. We do photos after an hour or so. We often get fan art from a few of the people. Quite cool. And before you go saying about you screwing something up or anything like that, just be yourself. Fans love it when you do something trademark or something unique to you. Jerome has his slurp, Ian has his derp voice and stuff. You just gotta work out what yours is. When you do find out, trust me, they love it!' I say.

'Thanks Jason.' She said, stopping drumming.

'Attention all members of Minecon, Minecon is starting now so please do last second fixes and get ready to start. Thank you,' a voice said over the intercom.


I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. Any second now, people would walk through the doors and come in. I wanted to drum again (I do that or play another instrument on my leg when I get anxious) but I knew I couldn't.

'3...2...1...'Ty counted down and on cue the doors opened.

'You have done this before,' I laugh.

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