Chapter 13 - Secrets Spilled

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A/N I made two versions of this chapter because I'm special like that. I decided to use this one but change itslightly to fit my story plot. I know you guys may have already read this chapter but please read it again because I have changed some things in the story.

MITCH'S POV (Not done his for a while...)

'I know biggums. But who's Kate or whatever?' Quentin asks.

DJ stiffens and I feel my stomach turn inside out as Quentin said that. I stop spinning on my chair and watch DJ walk silently and sit next to Ty.

'It isn't Kate. It's Kyte.' She said.

I feel so sad for her. And now everyone else is going to know why.

'So...who's Kyte then?' Jordan asks.


Everyone looks at her in confusion.

'You aren't called Kyte. It's DJ.' Adam says.

'No. It is Kyte. I hate to say it but I have been lying to you guys since the moment we met. You see, I don't exactly have the most pleasant past...' DJ started.

I feel the sadness welling up inside me and seeing her so miserable kills me inside. Ty edges closer to her slightly before she sighs.

'What happened?' Jerome asked what everyone was thinking.

'I was abused at home. I don't mean like the odd slap if I did something wrong, I mean full on abused. I was punched, kicked, locked in the basement for a day. The worst things still kill me. I was rarely thrown down the stairs and broke bones but I was also burnt with boiling water sometimes. My parents were alcoholics as well so when they were drunk it was hell. At school I was bullied too.' DJ started before sighing.

'You alright? You don't have to go on if you don't want to.' I say.

'No. They should know. I spent more and more time at Mitch's and soon his family became mine. His family cared for me when my parents couldn't. I got beat up when I got home after Mitch's, but for a few hours a day, I felt like I was loved. Mitch became the brother I never had nad his parents became mine. Years passed like this until the abuse got too much and I realised if it continued I would die from it. At 14, I went into major depression. I couldn't handle it anymore. One night I went to Mitch's house and said to him that I couldn't continue anymore. Life was hell and there was no purpose for me being here except to be a toy for my parents to move closer to killing. He tried to stop me but it didn't work. He brought me inside and made sure I wouldn't commit  suicide. Then he showed me somethign which changed my life. He showed me Youtube. In particular, Team Crafted. You guys made me smile again, made me laugh. Without you guys, I wouldn't be here. You stopped me from making a fatal mistake. I would never have met you guys, never have such awesome friends, never lived what I am living now.' DJ said.

'Dear God. I never would have guessed...' Ian started but stopped.

'So, Why are you called DJ then? You have no Ds or Js in your name.' Jason pointed out.

'I called myself that to try and erase my past. I am hopefully going to change it to be my offical name one day when I get the chance.' She answered, hanging her head low and sighing. 

'It's alright dude. We are here for ya.' Ty says.

Everyone agrees as she rubs her arms. DJ smiles and Ty moves closer to her and puts him arm around her. She flinches  and Ty pulls his arm away again.

'Sorry. Not used to hugs and stuff,' she says.

'It's alright. I promise we won't do anything to hurt ya. Never.' Ty says before placing his arm around her again and pulling her to him. DJ looks up to him and smiles before resting her head against his shoulder. Jelousy welled up inside me. I wish I was in Ty's place. I wish I could be the one going out with her. I was going to ask her out later today...but I was too late. But I'm happy for them. If she's happy, I'm happy.

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