Chapter 8 - Recordings

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DJ'S POV (Not done her POV for a chapter... Wow)

Mitch's clothes were really warm and cozy. I must have looked like Ty in Mitch's shirt! We were all talking about Team Crafted recording tomorrow. We sat in a circle with warm drinks and chatted about what we were going to do. Cops 'n' robbers was the first thing to be recorded tomorrow.

'Is it gonna be all of us then or are we gonna Skype Bashur and stuff?' Quentin wonders.

'I think it should be only us for a load of the videos so then it would be like a special event. But we can call Bodil and Bashur of course.' Jason says.

The guys agree with Jason. I was keeping quiet in this conversation because I think that the members of Team Crafted are going to record. I will do what I do with Mitch, watch and don't speak. I was sat next to Jason and Mitch.

'This may seem like a weird time, but you look like Ty stole Mitch's clothes.' Joked Jason.

'Hahah! I can't help making anything look awesome,' I kid.

Jason and I began laughing and everyone stared at us to and wondered why we were laughing.

'What is so funny,' Ty asks.

'D....don't worr...y' I say through bursts of laughter.

Once we had composed ourselves we chatted and joked around like we had all been friends for years.


I helped the guys set up their recording things and laptops and computors. They logged onto a big Skype call and began talking before the recording. Jordan was sat to my left and Ian was to my right.

'DJ, why aren't you in a Skype call with us?' Jordan asks me, having counted up the amount of people in the call.

'I don't want to ruin your video. Your viewers may not like an unknown person playing with you. Besides, I have been there with Mitch in all of his videos. I don't play, I just watch and don't speak.' I explain. 

Rolling his eyes, Jordan said, 'Dude, you have to play with us. The viewers don't care! It will be fun.'

'Hurry up DJ, we need to get into the server!' Jerome says getting excited to record.

'Fine. If you are sure.' I say.

I log onto Skype and Minecraft, get some recording stuff up and running on my computor and joined the massive group call. The server was a newly updated version so we were pratically testing it out which was awesome. Sky decided to take the intro to the video.

'3...2...1... Hey guys! Sky here with another cops 'n' robbers video. Now, Team Crafted decided that we would come down and stay with Mitch for a few months so there will be loads of awesome things happening. We will be uploading Minecraft, real life videos, livestreams and loads of other awesome things so be sure to stay tuned to our channels and there will be a load of awesome things going up. So yeah. Anyways I am here with HuskyMUDKIPZ, MinecraftUniverse, Ssundee, Captainsparklez, Deadlox, JeromeASF and TheBajanCanadian and we will be doing cops 'n' robbers. But that isn't all. What is special Jerome?' Sky started the video.

Whilst he was saying that, everybody was sprinting and jumping around the lobby. But before Jerome could say anything, the guys (except Jerome) surrounded my character to you couldn't see anything of me.

'Well, we have another person joining us today. Rather than letting me tell you who it is, I'm gonna let them tell you who they are. I chose you, new person!' Jerome said in a pokemon trainer style as he slurpped.

Team Crafted's New Member (Team Crafted Fan-Fic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें