Chapter 3 - Surprises

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A/N I am going to use both Team Crafted's real names and Minecraft/Youtube names. Thought you guys should know in case you got confused or something. Toxic OUT!


Regaining consciousness, I rolled over in my bed to find out what the time was. 8:30am. I place one hand on my forehead and run my finger's through my hair. Dragging myself out of bed, I limply got changed into a Minecraft shirt with a creeper on it, jeans which were ripped at the knees and my favourite trainers. Unsure of whether DJ would be awake, I walk as quietly as I could out of my room, onto the landing and down the stairs into the kitchen. Looking around, I notice DJ isn't up yet so I walk into the kitchen and pour myself some cereal. I put on the radio and listened to some songs whilst DJ woke up. It didn't take that long, only around 30 minutes or so before her figure loomed in the door way. She had jumped when she saw me before greeting me.

'Woah. Morning. You made me up!' She smiled.

'Haha! Morning to you to.' I say.

Suddenly, I couldn't help but smile. I guessed it was what was happening today.

Looking at me suspiciously, she asked about my constant smiles.

'Why are you smiling? It's a prank isn't it? I don't wanna be pranked first thing in the morning. Especially after last summer with the bucket of water trick.'

That was so funny. I had set up a bucket of cold water on the kitchen door so when she opened it, it fell ontop of her. She did it and, well, I got pinned to the floor and had a noogie till my head hurt. Tat was my payback.

'Nah, bro. No pranks I promise you. I just heard my favourite song so I'm in a good mood.' I lie. 

Nodding her head, she believed me. I really like DJ. She's awesome. You can prank her, tease her, sit on her (that sounded weird...), play games with her and just hang with her and guarantee a great time. I also like the way she agrees with me saying bro, man and dude a lot. Most girls would say I'm weird but y'know. She joined me at the table and poured herself some cereal. I look at the time on the radio. 9:45am. In around half an hour they would be here. We sat in pretty much silence. I could feel DJ was upset. Probably about the racing thing.

'Yo, DJ. I know you are upset about the racing thing, but maybe we can do something else instead. You can choose what it is we do. How does that sound?' I comfort her.

'It's alright. I don't mind. The guys have to do the checks so maybe we could play Minecraft or something. You need to practise the Hunger Games so you can beat Jerome next time you record a video with him!' She jokes.

'Yeah. That would be awesome!' I had to find an excuse to get both of us out of the house. I can't keep a secret when I'm in the house. Think, Bajan, think. Got it!

'Wanna go for a walk? Apparently the weather is gonna turn really nasty over the next few days so today and tomorrow are the only days we can do soemthing before the weather changes.'

Standing up, DJ's face wore a smile. 'Yeah! Might as well get some air before the house checkers get here.'

Although I hate lieing to her, I have to. I want to keep a secret so it would be suprise for her, but if that's the only way, then I gotta do it. To be honest, I think she suspects something is up with me, but hopefully she thinks I'm planning something about a Minecraft video or that I am serious about the 'house checkers'. 

The weather outside was really nice. There were no clouds in the sky and the sun was warm on your face. We decided to just walk around to the local store because we had ran out of cereal (the cereal we had today was the last box). We chatted about random things really. Music and films, then randomly talked about Jordan and his parodies. We popped into the shop to grab some cereal before quickly leaving again. DJ carried the bag whilst we slowly made our way home. I turned on my phone to glimps at the time. 10:04am. Not long now. So we have to get home quickly in order to be there on time. When we had got to the start of the street where we lived, I decided to have a bit of fun.

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