Part 36

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            Danielle looked like she stopped breathing. She stayed completely still for about 3 minutes before saying, “You want to what?”

            “You heard me. I want to marry her. I’m going to ask her if she wants to marry me. It’s a very simple idea really.” I couldn’t help but smile a little wider.

            “I don’t think you understand what you’re saying. Why don’t you sleep on this for a little bit? I mean, it’s all very sudden. I really think you need to calm down and think this through. You can’t just jump into a relationship again, and you definitely can’t just jump in ask that.” Danielle was rambling, using her fingers to list of all the reasons why this shouldn’t happen. “Sam, I don’t think you know what you’re doing.”

            I shook my head. “I’m going to ask he to marry me because when I close my eyes, I see her. When I wake up in the morning, I want her to be there. I want her to be there for me, and I want to be there for her. I don’t care what else happens in my life. I just want her to be there through it, because no matter what happens, if she’s there with me, I’m okay. After everything that’s happened to me, she’s always been there. Yeah, there was that thing with Jackie, but in the end, she thought she was helping me. I won’t ever get to act like there aren’t problems in life, but those problems are bearable if she’s there with me. I’m going to ask her, and you can either support me or not, but it’s going to happen.”

            Danielle rubbed the back of her neck as she looked at me carefully. “Well, when are you going to do it?”

            “No idea.” I admitted.

            “What will you say?”

            “I have absolutely no clue.”

            “This isn’t going to work, but I’ll be there for you. You can’t just go up and say, ‘hey, wanna get married or something?’ Because that won’t work. We’ll figure something out.” She sighed and held her arms open for a hug. “My best friend is going to get married.”

            I laughed and hugged her tightly. “Let’s hope so.”

            Three days later I was in Straight City with Danielle. Riley thought I was at a Leader’s meeting, and I had told Cindy that if Riley asked to say that. Danielle was the only one who knew where I really was. Sitting in a jewelry store groaning about how they all looked the same.

            “No they don’t, now shut up and look.” Danielle scolded.

            “Fine, fine.” I raised my hands up and started looking in the clear cases.

            We were silent for a few moments and then someone came over and gave us a large smile. “How may I help you?”

            “She’s looking for a ring for her girlfriend.” Danielle answered for me since it was obvious I wasn’t in a talky mood.

            “Special occasion?” But I saw that smile creeping along her face. She knew what I was going to do.

            “She’s going to propose.” Danielle smiled and patted me on the back a few times.

            “Well that’s going to be exciting! Where did you guys meet?” She asked, leaning forward as she looked into the cases with us.

            “Well, we originally met in the cemetery.” I chuckled as I remembered her telling me to be careful. “But we started talking down at the breakfast shop where she worked on my birthday. And then again at her brother’s funeral. And then she came to my hockey game, and that’s where we started dating I guess.”

            “Wow, you guys seem pretty exciting.” She flashed me yet another smile as she reached in a pulled out a ring. “And if that’s who you can’t live without, why should I stop you?” She held the ring out to me and Danielle gasped.

            “That one.” She said breathlessly.

            And she was right. The way the light glinted off the diamond and how it was simple, elegant, and still took your breath away. Like Riley. “Yes.” I said quietly. “That one.” In just a few days, Riley would be wearing this ring on her finger and we’d be flipping through wedding catalogs with Kyle and Danielle. Well, that was the plan. She could always say no, but I didn’t want to think about that. I had to have hope.

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