Part 4

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If you haven't noticed yet, this is me just copying and pasting it. I have a lot written, but a friend suggested I pput this and some of my other stuff up, so yeah. That's why this is kinda being updated a lot within the first hour of me making an account. Also, this is a short part 'cause I didn't realize that it was this short until just now. I'm pretty much taking my chapters in Word and putting them into a bunch of different parts and posting them here, if that made sense.

            “The Mayor didn’t seem to found of you.” I said as we walked back down the street to Gay Forest, the mystery girl still flooding three quarters of my brain.

            “They never are. I’ll get over it. The point of this wasn’t to make a best friend remember?” James said as we entered the colorful streets.

            “Yeah. See ya Jack!” I said as he walked down another street with the remaining Bears who lived down there. “Have a great anniversary; make sure to move your bed away from the wall tonight. I’ve got to get to sleep sometime tonight.” I said as we walked up the stairs to our rooms.

            “Yeah, yeah.” James said, laughing.

            I sighed and flopped into bed, groaning as I realized the light was still on. I got up and walked over to the light switch and flipped it off. I pulled my phone out and set it on the night stand. The alarm clock on it read 12:54. I needed sleep. I had to wake up tomorrow. It took about an hour, but I finally got to sleep. And then I woke up after what felt like 15 minutes.

            There was a knock at my door. Waking me from my deep sleep. I groaned and glanced at my watch, 8:40 March 12. “Go away! I want sleep!” I groaned and rolled back over, closing my eyes again.

            There was a rattling on the doorknob and the door burst open with James looking triumphant and holding my spare key. Ryan ran over and hugged me saying loudly, “You’re 17! You’re almost legal! Although, I kinda doubt not being legal will stop you.” He said with a wink, and then continued, “Wake up sleepy! We have to get going!”

            “Where?” I grumbled into my pillow.

            “Well,” He answered, drawing the word out happily, “We were thinking breakfast down in Straight City. We don’t have some of the places they do, and ours aren’t really open yet.”

            “Ryan, you weren’t supposed to tell her it was in Straight City! Now she’s not going to leave!” James complained as he walked over to the bed and sat on the end of it. “Come on, we should go. They’ve got good food there, we can watch their expressions when they see us, and we’ll get to go to that bridge you used to talk about. They can’t technically refuse service to us. It’ll be fun.”

            I sat there for a moment, hoping they’d leave, but I should’ve known better. There was no getting rid of these two. “Out.” I said as I rolled over. “Just because you’ve been Leader for a month doesn’t mean you get to watch me change. Out.” I added when they looked confused and didn’t move.

            Ryan rolled his eyes, “Damn, my life’s goal was to see a naked girl.” But he left anyways, with James chuckling behind him.

            When they closed the door I stood up and stretched. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a shirt that had a giant rainbow on it, on the back it read Secret Lesbian. Throwing them on and pulling on a pair of socks as I stumbled through the doorway. “Where are my shoes?” I asked, glancing back in the room to see if they were there.

            James held my sneakers up and said, “Had to make sure you were coming.”

            I grabbed them from him and slipped them on. “Let’s go. No Bears, I don’t this to be a bigger deal than it is now.” They nodded and Ryan laughed as we walked down the stairs and outside.

            As we made into Straight City I saw shutters start to close and heard doors lock. Oh well, people still have to work, which means I still get food. And funny faces from the waiters.

            James led me to some breakfast restaurant and looked at me, a smile spreading from ear to ear. “Care to do the honors?”

            I ginned, “Love to.” I said as I pushed the door open.

            There was a ding and a waitress walked over to help us. “How many?” James and Ryan looked at each other. They’d been expecting something different, they were even holding hands.

            My throat ran dry. I’d been expecting someone different.

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