Part 19

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           Two weeks of pure hell had gone by and my stitches had been taken out earlier in this terrible length of time, but I still ‘needed’ ‘bed rest’ and ‘time off from the real world’. Bunch of pansies. Stupid doctors. They had no idea what I needed. I was fine. I didn’t need anything. But Riley wanted me to listen to them, so I did. I didn’t want her to worry. God I was such a sap.

            I looked at clock next to me. 4:45 am. I slipped out of bed, careful not to disturb Riley.

            I walked over the bathroom, looking like hell of course. Dark circles under my eyes, my eye was once again useable with no swelling any more, and I looked like I hadn’t eaten much of anything. Which was true. I hadn’t eaten a lot. I ran a hand through my hair and turned around so my back was to the mirror. I pulled my plain white tank top up over my head and looked over at the mirror.

            DYKE. I flinched. It was a scar now. I wondered if I could get a tattoo over it. I’d been thinking about getting one, I just didn’t know where I wanted it or what I wanted. But that’d be a big one for my first tattoo.

            I pulled my shirt back on and walked back out into the main room. Riley was fast asleep on the bed, her light blond hair starting to cover her eyes. My black bangs were starting to fall into my eyes too. Haircut time soon I guess.

            Riley shifted in her sleep and I smiled. I went to the nightstand and grabbed my phone and walked out of the apartment and into the hall in my lounge pants and tank top. I dialed the number of the pizza place we had. Thankfully they delivered. I was starving now, and of course, there was nothing at my place to eat.

            I sat against the door so he wouldn’t knock and wake Riley up. I had gotten their smallest pizza. Pepperoni. Of course. Because it’s the best pizza topping.

            “Hey Sam. I got your pizza here.” Alice said as she handed me the small pizza and I gave her the money. “Kinda early to be eating pizza isn’t it?”

            “I haven’t eaten much lately.” I said as I stifled a yawn.

            “Not much sleep either I’m guessing. Where’s Riley?”


            “You doing okay?”

            “Yeah, I’m doing pretty good. Been stuck here. Pansy ass doctors and all of The Forest telling me I can’t do anything. I hear you lost the last game.” I said as I opened the box and pulled out a piece of pizza.

            “Yeah. The guys only won by a point though.”

            “You’ll win next time.”

            “You’re not gonna play with us?”

            “Nah. I’m done for the season. Too much stuff going on. Next season for sure. I’ll help you guys win every game next season.”

            “Well, we shall try to win this season for you then.”

            “You better win. I’ll try to show up to most of the games.”

            “Hope to see you there. Hey, my shift’s almost over. Gotta head back so I can go home when Casey shows up.”

            “Alright. See ya later then.”

            Alice started walking back the way she came and gave me a wave goodbye before disappearing down the stairs.

            I ate my pizza out in the hallway and then went back into the apartment. I tossed the box in the trashcan and sat on the bed. Riley blinked once and looked over at me.

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