Part 12

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           I slid onto the seat and Riley wrapped her arms tightly around me and rested her head on my back. “Helmet?” I asked her and she shook her head. I mentally shrugged a little and put the helmet on and pushed the visor down and started the bike up.

            Once we were back at our building and heading up the stairs she finally talked to me again. “A lot of people know you.”

            “When you’re here for as long as I am and you’re a hockey player and roller derby player and the Leader you build up a reputation.” I said as I looked over at her.

            She nodded. “Makes sense. Hey, mind if I stay over at your place tonight instead of James’?”

            “Sure. Anything you want.” I said as I opened my door and let her walk in. “I’ve got a sleeping bag I can use and you can take the bed.”


            I closed the door and walked to the closet and pulled a black sleeping bag from the top shelf. “You hungry?”

            “Not really.”

            I tossed the sleeping bag beside the bed and went to the mini fridge and grabbed a Coke and an apple. “So, what do you want to do?”

            “Not sure. I didn’t really think about it much. Just thought we could hang out I guess.”

            “Okay.” I stretched out on the bed and patted the spot next to me. “Got any crushes over in Straight City?”

            “No. No one I like more than a friend over there.” She said laying next to me.

            “I know you said it was okay and stuff, but I just want to say that I’m still sorry about kissing you.” I said as I bit into my apple.

            “It’s okay, really. I didn’t mind.”

            “You’re straight and I’m a friend. It isn’t weird?” I asked, looking over at her curiously.

            She didn’t say anything for a moment, and then she looked over at me and kissed me. It was a bit harder than the previous ones. This one felt like something she just had to do or she’d explode.

            I kissed back after a moment I pulled away and whispered, “You do realize you didn’t have to do that right? No one’s around.” I said, trying not to get my hopes high that she did it because she wanted to.

            “I know. I just wanted to.”

            “You’re the gayest straight person I know.” I said closing my eyes.

            “Probably ‘cause I’m not straight.”

            “That’d be a good reason.”

            “I thought so.”

            We sat in silence for a few moments, not an awkward one, just a comfortable silence. I opened my eyes and looked at her sadly. “Are you coming out of the closet to your family?”

            “Not yet. I can’t do that to them. Not right after they lost James. But I will. I just don’t know when…” Her voice trailed off.

            “I’ll be there when you do okay?” A tear rolled down her cheek and I pulled her close to me and said quietly, “Don’t cry. I’m here. It’s all going to be okay, got that? Nothing bad will happen. You can come here anytime you want and nobody has to know whose daughter you are here because that’s not what’s important, alright? You’ll come out when you’re ready. It’ll take time to build up that courage ok? It’ll be ok.”

            She leaned into me, “How’d you do it?”

            “I didn’t. I told my first girl crush and ran away. I never told anyone else until I came here.”

            I felt her nod against me and I looked over her shoulder at the clock. “It’s late. C’mon, you need to get some sleep. I’m showing you the place tomorrow.” I carefully detangled myself from her and set up the sleeping bag.

            She sat up and looked at me sadly. I looked back at her and I sat on my sleeping bag. “I have to go home tomorrow don’t I?”

            I nodded. "But you can sneak back whenever. And I’ll sneak in too. I’ll visit after practice on Wednesday. And we’ll text. It won’t seem that long okay? I promise.”

            She nodded and laid back down. “Goodnight Sam.”

            “Goodnight Riley.” I said as I got up and turned off the light before getting into my sleeping bag, wishing more than anything that I could get into my bed and just hold her until she fell asleep. But I can’t. She just admitted to being gay. She’s not ready to sleep in the same bed with another gay person, even if it’s all good intentions. So I slept on the floor in my sleeping bag.

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