Part 33

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          “What?” I blinked in confusion, hoping this was some sick joke even though I knew it wasn’t.

            “Now, there is some treatment we can do, but there’s a very slim chance she will survive. Would you like to talk to her?”

            My heart stopped right then. I didn’t notice my hand was against my mouth until I had to pull it away to speak again. I cleared my throat and said, “Yes please.”

            “Very well, I’ll hand the phone to her.”

            A few seconds later I heard her kind voice and I remembered her teaching me about all the art in the world and how people worked and how life was just one thing that pulsed and lived and breathed on its own. I remembered how she had once said that the world owed us absolutely nothing at all, we already lived on it and took things from it, what else should it give us. I remembered when she told me that life didn’t come easy and that you had to fight for your rights, because she’d be damned if people would learn that everyone deserved them without people standing up for them. No, she always thought about how people would never learn that everyone is the same on the inside and that we needed to fight, live, die, and win for them to know.

            “Hey kiddo. How’s my little President doing?”

            I swallowed hard and struggled to breathe again. “You shouldn’t be thinking about me, the big question is how are you?”

            “Well, they said they can’t remove it and that it’s not looking to good, but I’ve lived life pretty well. Now, tell me what I hear about this Riley girl? Why haven’t you two made up yet? You two love each other, everyone can see it. Stop bickering and learn to live and love. That’s why we’re here, remember? So, you’ll take her back and make the world a better place. Right?” She asked.

            “That isn’t important Marie, tell me what’s going on.” I tried avoiding her question and getting back to what was happening.

            “Don’t you tell me what’s important, young lady. Come on, tell me you don’t love her and I’ll leave you alone about it.”

            I couldn’t help but feel a tiny smile pull at my lips, despite the situation. She was always like this, always worrying about me before herself. “Yes, I love her. I’ll ask her to come back when she gets out of prison, alright?”

            “Oh no, what did she do to get in there? If it’s something bad I suggest you leave her alone, I don’t want you getting in trouble.” She said, acting more like a mother than my real one had.

            “She was thrown in there by Straight City to get my attention. She gets out in a little bit. Now, what about you?”

            “Well, I won’t be around for much longer. I guess that’s how life goes though. I’ve lived well; I had you, Amanda, and everyone else who loved me. Now it’s just you and I, and I’m ready to let you go on without me. I’ve had a full life. Don’t worry about it.”

            I shook my head slightly, knowing I couldn’t argue with this woman. The C word was still spinning in my mind. Cancer? That happened to people we knew? I thought it was always strangers. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. It wasn’t supposed to be people I knew that had cancer. “Marie…” My voice trailed off.

            “Don’t ‘Marie’ me, I will still bend you over my knee and make it hurt to sit down for a week if I have to. Yes, I will die, and it will be soon, but that’s okay. Everyone dies, some sooner than others. I have to remember that people have had worse lives than I have, that I have had one hell of an amazing experience. You can’t weep for me if I’m not even weeping. You act like you’re the one dying here.” Her voice had a small smile in it and I let out a short breath of laughter. I couldn’t ague or tell her that I would still cry for her, she would just yell at me.

            “I’m sorry.”

            “What for? Did you give me cancer? Because if you did, then it’s quite rude and inconvenient, but I forgive you anyways.”

            “No, I didn’t give you cancer. I’m sorry that you have it though. I never thought it would happen to anyone I knew.” I muttered.

            “Well then let this be a lesson. Get your boobs checked when you’re supposed to.” She chuckled a little and I heard murmuring in the background before she said, “Sorry Sam, I have to go. Even though it’s too late for me they want to give me treatment and try and stop it and everything. I’ll talk to you later.”

            “Bye.” I sighed as I hung up.

            “So, what’s going on?” Danielle asked quietly before getting up and walking over.

            I didn’t say anything for a little while, trying to figure out if there was another way of saying it. “The woman who raised me has breast cancer.” Blunt is always better right? Get it out there. Get it over with. It’s better if you avoid all the fake shit.

            Danielle pulled me into a hug and didn’t let go for a while. “It’ll be ok.” She said when she finally pulled away.

            Danielle made me sit down and she ordered pizza and put on a movie that I wasn’t really watching. I didn’t want to cry or anything. It was sad, and it was terrible, but I couldn’t focus on it. She wasn’t scared or crying, why should I?

            I’m not really sure when I dozed off, but I do know when I woke up. Around noon when I heard my phone ringing on the nightstand.

            I didn’t open my eyes, no, that required too much work. Instead I kept my eyes tightly shut as I reached out and grabbed my phone and hit the Talk button.

            “What?” I growled into the phone.

            “You don’t sound to happy to hear me.” It took me a moment to realize whose voice it was, but I had to be sure. I pulled the phone away and checked it, ignoring how much my body protested all these movements.

            “Riley?” I asked breathlessly after a moment.

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