“Fuck, I’m sorry. This is all my fault, I put words in your mouth and thoughts in your head” Brittany apologizes

“It’s not your fault. I was always feeling suffocated but it took you saying it to make me realize it” I shrug

“What are you gonna do?”

“Not much I can do” I sigh, “I’ve tried to fix this but he won’t answer any of my calls or texts”

“Well, you love Luke right?”

“I do, I love Luke so much. This is just going so fast and its so new and scary, which I was trying to tell him but he wouldn’t listen”

“Make him listen” Brittany says, then turns to help the customer that just walked in. I stand back, taking in what she said. If Luke won’t listen to me virtually, then the only way is to get him to listen is in person.

I spend the rest of my shift devising plans, and by the end I have a plan that will hopefully work. It has to work. I need it to work. I don’t need space. I need Luke.


“You know what to do?” I ask Amanda, nervously. We’re on our way to the boys’ house.

“I got your back” Amanda smiles at me, then knocks on the door. When the front door opens I duck to the side of the house, hidden. 10 minutes later, Amanda walks out of the house with Ashton, Calum and Michael. But no Luke

“Shit” I groan to myself. Luke was supposed to leave with them and the planned has failed before it even started. My phone vibrates in my back pocket, I dig it out seeing Amanda texted me.

From: Amanda


Luke refused to leave the house, said he was “too depressed to be in public”


To: Amanda


I’ll think of something. Just keep the rest of them away from the house for a bit. Thanks for helping me


From: Amanda


Anything for my best friend! Now, go get ya man back ;)


I step out of my hiding spot, taking a deep breath before walking to the front door. I take another deep breath before knocking on the door and preparing myself.

I hear shuffling coming from inside the house and soon enough the door opens, revealing a very disheveled looking Luke. His eyes are red and puffy, his hair is matted to his forehead and he’s wearing a tanktop, sweatpants and only one sock. Luke’s eyes widen when he realizes it’s me at the door.

Destined || Luke HemmingsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant