Forty Two | In The End

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My eyes never left the sky. Nobody seemed to notice the abnormally white expanse of clouds covering the blue. It brought back unwelcome memories of the white Winter Ball that had started everything.

I never left the castle much and as soon as I did, I was underground. In other words, I wasn't very adept on topics weather but this didn't seem right at all.

"Micah...why is the sky turning white?"

He glanced to me before looking up to the sky. His eyes widened and he sucked in a breath. Yep, this definitely didn't seem right.

"Alex! Look up!"

The fairy boy's eyes shot to the sky in alarm. His eyes traveled to Micah and then we made eye contact. I was immediately on edge at his panicked expression.

"We won't make it on time!" Micah yelled.

Alexander ran a hand roughly through his think curls and growled. The group was also equally panicked.

"What is going on?" I inquired.

The Reapers ignored me completely.

"Just let me fucking think, Amberley!" Alexander snapped.

My eyes narrowed and I glanced at the bound Sterling Valentino. His eyes were on me and he looked equally as confused. Great, so I'm on the same level of knowledge as our hostage traitor/murderer?

"Were going to have to go into the woods! We can't make it to headquarters on time. The trees will give us shelter!" Alexander shouted, looking at the tree line a few years to the left of us.

I was ready to shout for an explanation but them the sky turned to ice. The air turned brisk and my breath was like smoke curling from my mouth. My eyes widened. It was unnaturally cold.

Suddenly, flakes of white came raining down on my head. I touched a piece. It burned my fingertip before it melted into my hot skin. What the heck?

I looked to Alexander in alarm to find he was already by my side with a hard expression that made my breath falter. It was cold! He seemed to see the question in my eyes.

"It snows in the north. Hard."

With that, he grabbed my hand and we booked it to the trees. By the time we got there, I was covered in the icy substance falling from the sky and my body was turning so cold that my fingers and toes lost feeling.

Hard gust of wind slammed into my body, sending my feet slipping and sliding. Thankfully, Alexander never let go of my hand and he propped me back up.

As we entered the forest, the chaos seemed to be shut off. The world turned quiet and warm again. We still ran until we were miles into the thicket. My lungs were screaming for air when Alexander finally let go of my hand.

"Where did it go?" I questioned the winged boy. My eyes traveled up to the sky. I couldn't even see a inch of it because of the trees.

"This is the thickest forest in the world. It can block out the worst snow storms the elements can throw at us," he replied.

I was suddenly overwhelmed and tired. Thickest forest in the world? I'm not even fazed anymore.

"Can we rest before we go back into it?" I said with a yawn.

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