Thirty Seven | Feel The Freedom

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If I could pick three days to repeat for the rest of my life, I would pick the past few days with the Reapers. In only the short period of time, I had connected with the Reapers more than I ever did with the Altrus in Clandestine.

Currently, we were all sitting around a fire that Taylor had summoned. Jasmine was perched on Alexanders lap. Turns out, she was only twelve years old. That explained her height difference between the rest. I sat cross legged between Pierson and Micah.

"Let's play a game," Jasper demanding through the chatter of soft conversations.

Everyone seemed to agree to this and they all scooted closer to the fire so our circle was smaller. Alexanders eyes met mine over the fire. The heat burned my irises and I quickly glanced away. Something about his black eyes made me uncomfortable.

"We all hold up ten fingers. Each one of us states something that we've never done. If you have done it, you put a finger down. Who ever had to most fingers held up in the end is the winner," Jasper explained.

I furrowed my eyes and scoffed. "I'll sit this one out. I doubt I've ever done what you guys have done."

Micah nugded me playfully with his shoulder. "Then it will be easy for you to win."

I shrugged and looked at Jasper. I raised my hands in the air. My fingers were spread out. The rest of the group did the same.

"I'll start," Beck said. I was instantly on edge. He was a little crazier than the rest of everyone.

"I've never been off the ground for more than thirty seconds," he said with a grin. We all looked to Alexander who only rolled his eyes an d put a finger down. He glared at me when a giggle slipped from my lips.

"I've never lived underground," the fairy boy said cockily. I cocked an eyebrow. This game was not fun but I placed a finger against my palm. I ignored the ping of sadness at the mention of Clandestine.

"Lets make it more general," Micah said with a airy voice. "I've never kissed someone who was with another person."

I looked around at the group. To my surprise, Betty, Alexander, and Jasper put a finger down. I stared at Betty with wide eyes. She only smiled at me shyly and shrugged.

The rest of the game went similarly to this. We all said things we've never done and I grew more surprised as the sky turned pitch black. All my fingers were still up except one. The rest of the Reapers fingers were turned to fist or close to it. I grinned. There was only one question left and I was sure to be the winner.

"I've never done something sexual underground," Alexander said with a smirk. My eyes narrowed at this. Something sexual? If he wanted to play this way, he would find out I could play better. I looked him right in the eyes and with a provocative smirk, I slowly put a finger down. With a cock of my head, I stared him down. The group was quiet now.

Alexander eyed me just as intensely. Something flashed before his eyes. Almost like need. Well I need him to quit being a dick!

"I've never chased a girl through the woods and only caught her because she let him."

Alexander narrowed his eyes and I heard the group giggle. He put a finger down. I was satisfied when I saw all his fingers where down.

"I win..." I said. Alexander rolled his eyes as the group burst into laughter and started calling praises to me.


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