Fifteen | Game of Unfeeling | pt. two

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I had forgotten what war had looked like, felt like, sounded like. I had forgotten the stench of death and the crimson blood that stained the soul. I had forgotten the screams.

I was the first to see them. I had heard the elevator clinging down the hole. It was too early for recrution day, so no one knew who could be coming down that elevator.

What I didn't expect was twenty, emotionless men in black cloaks and leather gloves standing in a perfect formation. My eyes widened with recognition. The Unfeeling. No, it was too early... I hadn't given them a location.

I turned to the large crowd behind me who all looked just as stunned as I was. We all knew who the Unfeeling where. They were out to kill us and now they're here. They all simultaneously unleashed an array of weapons.

"RUN!!!" I screamed. Just as the crowd turned to flee, the Unfeeling unleashed their wrath upon us.

Ten people fell immediately as the first row of soldiers sent daggers flying through the crowd. I watched in horror as a boy with black hair as impaled in the neck. He made eye contact with me before his mouth gurgled with blood and he collapsed. Black hair.

My stomach dropped. Amberley. We had gotten separated in the rush of the crowd. The Unfeeling sent another valley of knives upon us. Ten more dead.

"Forcefield!" I screamed.

The crowd was silent before a older teenager stepped forward and throwing his hands up and a glimmering, invisible shield blocked us from the soldiers.

The next ten knives were deflected off the shield. One of the knives ricocheted and impaled a soldier in the forehead. None of his comrades even looked at him as his blood splattered there faces as he fell.

"What are we going to do Evan?" A voice asked me. I turned to see Eli standing besides me. Eli, we needed him alive... he was one of our only healers.

"I don't know. Have you seen Amberley?" I asked.

He shook his head. I cursed.

"Okay man, stay alive... do you hear me? I'm not losing any one today! And I need to find Amberley... it would help if she could blow some things up for me."

The mention of Amber seemed to stir the soldiers. One of the Unfeeling stepped forward robotically. He was at least in his fifties and his hair was greying. He probably had a family, a life before my father took his feelings away. I didn't let myself think about it.

"We are here for Amberley Da Ville. Give her to our custody and we'll let you live."

I cursed again. This was my fault. I couldn't kill her myself so my father had sent someone down here to do it for me. I had to find a way out of this or it would get bad for everyone.

"If you want Amberley, you'll have to get through five hundred Altrus first. I'd like to see you try."

"We are here for Amberley Da Ville. Give her to our custody and we'll let you live," he repeated.

I turned to Eli and I tried to ignore his worried expression but it struck a nerve, sending fear through my body. Eli was never nervous. The last time he looked like this was when he had seen Amberley's scars.

I heard footsteps behind me and a soft hand placed on my shoulder. I jerked around with a start turned to see Amberley standing behind me.

"What do they want with me?" She questioned. I took her in and my eyes widened. Her whole shirt was torn in two and I had full view of her bra and cleavage. I shifted her so she was facing away from the crowd.

"I don't know, but I won't let them have you," I promised and took her hand in my own.

"If I don't go with them, they'll kill everyone," she said, a sad frown etched on her face.

"I you go with them, they'll kill everyone anyways,"I deadpanned. She contemplated this and turned towards the soldiers who were still standing like statues.

"Who has sent you?" She questioned them.

The man stepped forward another step and regarded her cooly. "The grace, Michael Valentino and the Iniquitous family."


"I do not ask questions, I only follow orders. You must come with us Princess, or you're friends will die."

She turned to the forcefield and gritted her teeth. Her eyes were stormy and her fist were clenched. I knew she was going to do something stupid!

"Drop the forcefield," she commanded. The boy hesitated and looked to me.

"If he drops it, we all die," I warn. She looks at me and her eyes bore into mine. Come on, Amb... think reasonably.

"Trust me, drop the forcefield," she says. I trust her, with my entire being, with my life. I nod to the boy. His eyes have fear laced in them as he drops his hands and slips back into the crowd.

Nobody moves as the invisible barrier shrivels. To my surprise, the Altrus hold their ground, looking to Amberley for directions. They're not looking at me...

She looks at me though and turns to the soldiers. Just as they raise another set of knives, Amberley sings one, single dreadfully haunting note before clapping her hands together.

Physical music burst from her hands like a tidal wave. The indescribable current slams into the soldiers.

A moment of silence passes before all the soldiers drop to their knees with pitiful sobs. My eyes widen as I take in their states. They sobs and curse and clutch their chests. They have feeling. Amberley gave them feelings.

That's why my father wants her dead. Because she's the only thing that can take down his Unfeeling army.

I saw the blood drop onto the floor before she turns. I only see the hilt of a dagger and a ashen expression before Amberley collapses in a bloodied heap.

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