Eighteen | Spoiled Royal Bitch

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Flame. I could see a landscape of fire in the distance. They would all die. But what would that mean for me, for Vex? Surely we would be the Iniquitous's next target after Adana falls.

"Adana will fall," I say aloud. My father stood besides me on our balcony, watching the castle go up in flames. He was only silent.

"What of Princess Amberley? She's probably dead too. Haven't you taken an interest in her these past few weeks?"

My father scoffed. "I am Aeric Vex, leader of Vex Militia. I don't take interest in anyone. She's proved herself to be worthy of my attention."

"What exactly would we want with a spoiled royal bitch?"

My father only cocked an eyebrow my way. "This certain royal bitch is the only thing that can defeat the Iniquitous, son."

"A spoiled royal bitch can singlehandedly defeat the Unfeeling army? She must be one hell of a princess. Is she going to perfume bomb them?"

"She's not a princess anymore. She's been training in Clandestine Institute for the past year," he says.

My ears perk at this and my wings flutter behind me. "She's an Altru?"

"Not only an Atru. She's the only living antidote for the Unfeeling serum. Joshua's sent word to us. It is time."

My eyebrows furrow. Princess Amberley Da Ville. A living antidote?

"Explain how a person, you know, flesh and blood, be an antidote?"

"Her voice, her voice can make people feel,
Alexander," my father says, clearly getting annoyed by my questions.

"I bet she could sing some feeling into your cold heart too, Alex," a voice calls from behind me.

I turn to see Micah Valentino. Micah was a traitor. Three years ago he had left his family, the Iniquitous, and pledged allegiance to Vex, a rebellion force ran by my father. Maybe this was a sign to not trust him... but I had accepted him as my brother anyways.

"Your brother Sterling, how loyal is he to the Iniquitous?" I question him. He flicks his blonde hair out of his face with distaste.

"I couldn't say... since the last time I saw him before he was pulled into Clandestine, he was ten," he said.

"We need to get word to him. If he and Princess Amberley run into each other, it's all bad news. They used to be best friends before daddy fell off the deep end," Micah adds.

"We need Amberley. She could give us an upper hand," my father says.

"But how can she do shit if she's 200 feet underground?" I question.

"I could get word to my brother, I have connections in Clandestine. But in order to get her out, we need to blow the place up."

I glared at him. "Blow it up. Really, Micah?"

"We aren't going to do anything. Were going to let the Iniquitous blow it up and then Sterling will know to escape and bring her to us if she wants to live," my father says.

"I may have trusted Micah but I'm not going to trust another royal bitch to save the world. She's probably some prissy drama queen. Unreliable," I start.

"I remember her from our childhood. She's always been different than the other court ladies. And she's an Altru, just like you wing-boy, she's no royal bitch."

I sneer and tuck my large, black wings behind my back. "The only way I would trust Princess Amberley Da Ville is if pigs fly!"

Micah laughed behind his hand. "Pigs do fly," he said, gesturing to my wings. He was in fits of laugher now. Okay I had to admit I walked into that one.

I smacked the back of his head with my wing and turned to my father. But he was looking at Micah.

"Send word to your brother before he does something stupid."

Amberley Da Ville. She better be worth all the inevitable death breathing down our necks or I might do something stupid.

 She better be worth all the inevitable death breathing down our necks or I might do something stupid

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