Thirty Two | Wash It Away

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I woke up and then I died all over again. I looked around at the rubble that surrounded me, Amberley no where to be seen.

My heart tore in two. I fell to my knees with a scream. I felt tears streak down my face as I cradled my head in my hands.

I had blood on my hands, none of it mine. I had hurt her. I had made myself break her heart and use my powers on her. I had made her feel the pain of the belt on her back all over again.

She would hate me if she was still alive. Was she still alive? Or was she buried in Clandestine somewhere? I rocked back and forth for hours.

I was silent when my father came, placing a hand on my back.

"You did good son, she's dead and Clandestine is destroyed. You did it, you saved the Iniquitous," he said.

I nodded and stood. My father looked so much different. His blonde hair was grey and his smooth face was now aged and mared with the scars of war. His Iniquitous red cape looked so similar to the blood on my hands.

"Father," I said. He only clasped a hand on my shoulder again. I was nearly as tall as him but I had never felt so small.


"I killed her."


"Is there something wrong with me?"

"Yes. But it is the same thing that is wrong with all of us."


The Iniquitous headquarters were no longer home. After nearly a decade in Clandestine, I felt like a stranger.

I was escorted to my room. Two of my fathers personal Unfeeling guards walked on either side of me.

I was no longer surprised by their blank stares and voiceless opinions. I knew better than to start a conversation with a trained animal. They wouldn't understand.

My room was the same as I left it. It was so much bigger than my room in Clandestine but it felt like the walls were closing in on me.

I could smell her every breath I took. I could feel her walking besides me. I could feel her hair between my fingers.

I blocked out all feelings. I couldn't think of her again. I wouldn't even say her name ever again. I had made my decision. I would rule this world and I would be a hell of a ruler.

I stepped into my bathing chambers and turned on my shower. I stripped out of my grey clothes. I glanced disdainfully at the jumpsuit. My last pair of Clandestine greys. They would soon be switched out with Iniquitous crimson.

A maid came walking into my room. She didn't even notice my naked state and simply strolled towards me without glancing my way. She picked up my grey clothes and turned to leave.

I felt alarm sing through me. "Where are you taking those?" I demanded.

She finally turned to look at me. I saw her glance at my body and a blush crept to her cheeks.

"You're father wishes them to be burned."

I shook my head and surged to rip them out of her hands. She looked startled and scramble out of my naked vicinity.

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