Chapter 27

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"Mmmhmm," I murmured mindlessly as Alysha went on about her pregnancy symptoms.  At times I missed be pregnant, mainly because I liked being close to my baby and with her being safely within my womb I was extremely close to her.

"So have you heard from Nick? Its been three weeks since he left," Alysha inquired, lifting her mug of tea to her lips and took subtle sips from the glass.

"Yeah, I talked to him this morning.  He has a lot of work to do.  All the things he has to do and he still manages to call me often.  I still wish he could be here with me, y'know?"

"That's understandable, but I'm always here to keep you and Kels company.  She's getting so big." Alysha glanced over into the basinet at Kelsie sleeping form. 

She was becoming bigger and I was excited to see here growing and it was great witnessing it.  Alysha touched her blanket lightly and as if she sensed the disturbance Kelsie stirred. 

I smiled lightly and lift my tea to my lips and slowly sip at it.  My mind temporarily drifts to Nick.  I missed touching him and being close to him and the fact that I still had a lot more time away from him killed me.

"I know," I say and glance at my watch. "Uh oh, Its times to get Kelsie home.  Its getting pretty late, I'll come by tomorrow."

"You can always stay here, Darling," Alysha offered but I shook my head.  I wanted to be home.  When Nick was deployed I made it a habit to sleep in his t-shirts and cuddle with his pillow.  I loved being able to smell his familiar scent.  I loved it, it made me feel safe, like he was with me.

"Nah, I think I will stay home.  I want to work on some paper work while Kelsie is asleep," I reply making up a random excuse.

She nodded accepting my answer and I grabbed Kelsie's diaper bag.  Kelsie was still fast asleep and when I lifted her from the bassinet sh he squirmed in my arms.  A smirk spread across my lips as an result. 

My Baby.

I said goodbye to Alysha and trotted outside to my car with Kelsie nestled in her car seat.  I placed the car seat in the back seat of my car a and buckled her down.  When she was comfortably settled, I closed the door and got into the car, starting the engine.

Alysha stood at the door, watching me as I backed out of the driveway.  I drove home and Kelsie had finally awaken.  She was a very tired baby, she slept a lot of the time.

I made my way inside the house with Kelsie in tow.  The house was quit, it always seemed quieter when Nick wasn't around. I guess he was just normally a loud person, but I absolutely loved that about him. 

Kelsie gazed up at me with pure wonder in her big brown eyes.  She reminded me of Nick.  Her nose and her skin color and her thin lips.  She was definitely Nick's daughter.

"Hey baby, my pretty baby," I cooed making goofy faces at her. She seemed like she was paying me any attention.

She yawned indicating that she was , yet again, ready for bed. I pouted sadly.  When Kelsie went to sleep, I was always left with nothing to do.

Lightly bouncing her in my arm, I made my way to her bedroom. I decided to breast feed, so that it could better her immunity and other important things.  I took a seat in her rocking chair and opened my shirt so that I could feed her.  After I fed her, I decided to give her a bath.

After her bath she finally went to sleep and I went into the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen table. I sat there for a while before I decided to get up and go to bed. I sat the baby monitor onto my night stand and closed my eyes.

My Bestfriend's BrotherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon