Chapter 21

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I don't want to get too excited as I thumb through clothes to wear tomorrow. Even though I had this huge belly I wanted to look amazing for Nick. I couldn't help the pure happiness that washed over me when I thought of the fact that he was coming home tomorrow. Coming home back to me. I couldn't help the pure ecstasy that raced through my body.

I squealed and danced around in a little circle, briefly halting my search for clothes. Happy couldn't quite describe how I was feeling. Three weeks had passed and I postponed my doctor's appointment until Nick arrived back home. I wanted to share this moment with him.

My cell phone jingles and I pick it up quickly. "Hello?" I shriek into the phone.

"Whoa, whoa calm down, I just wanted to call you before you and Nick go at it for days,"Alysha laughs.

"Oh hey Alysha." I turn back to my closet and continue to look through clothes. I pull out a dress and smile. Nick would like this. Sitting the dress on my dresser,I sigh placing my hand pressed against my protruding belly.

"Hey! So are you excited?" She asks.

"Of course I am! I've never been this happy in my life. I've missed Nick so much." I sit on the edge of my bed and glance around my spacious bedroom. It felt so empty.

"Great, Well I will see you later. I just wanted to call and check up on you."

"Okay,I'll talk to you later." I ended the call and lay back on me bed. Hopefully tonight will go by quickly and tomorrow will come even quicker. I sat up and look around at all the pictures of Nick and I.

Okay,now I was tired. I move to the top of my bed and drift off to sleep,Nick's pillow securely clutched in my arms.

The next morning I showered and dressed. After eating breakfast I grab my keys and leave the apartment. My nerves were jumpy and I couldn't help the excitement bubbling within me. The happiness I felt was beyond words.

I pull into the Airport and step out of my car, and walk into the building. I see people bustle by and I see one person in particular hugging his wife and kids. He's in a impressive suit and tie and his face brightens with a smile. My emotions begin to act up and I suddenly feel like crying.

I take a deep breath and look away quickly into a pair of Bright, familiar blue eyes. The corner of his lips tug upwards and I feel almost breathless. I begin walking through the crowd of people,trying desperately to get to him and he does the same until we stand in front of each other.

"Oh God, I've missed you," He breaths, lifting his hand and brushing a hair away from my face.

I threw my arms around him and rest my head against his chest. "I've missed you too, Nick,"I sob.

His hands cup my cheeks and he leans away to look at me. "Honey why are you crying?" He asks concerned. "Is the baby alright? The baby."

He moves away and looks down at my belly. His eyes glimmer with pride and happiness. "The baby,"He repeats the words,so many emotions circulating those words. and places his hands on my belly. "Our baby is in there." You can hear the wonder and amazement in his voice.

I nod. "Yeah, our baby's in there. I wasn't crying because I'm sad but because I'm happy. I'm so happy that you're home," I assure him.

He moves closer to me once again, not removing his hands from their place. "I'm happy too, Eve."

He leans forward pressing his lips to mine in a soft kiss. I smile up at him. I can honestly say that I've never felt like this before. I've never felt so happy,so loved. The world had some how aligned. Everything was perfect.

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