Chapter 22

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"I don't understand," I pout frustrated, throwing down the manual to building a crib.

Nick chuckles lightly, stopping when I throw him a pointed look. He drops the pieces in his hand and takes a seat on the floor next to me. "Sweetheart, how about I take my two favorite girls out for ice cream and we can worry about this later?" He offers, a sexy smile teasing his lips.

I smile satisfied with his idea. I attempt to stand but my large baby bump prevents me from doing much. I was taking the pregnancy one day at a time and with Nick here to help me through it all was great. I really thought I'd have to go through this whole process alone.

I wish I could prevent Nick from leaving. Nick stood to his feet and held his hands out for me. I place my dainty hands in his large, firm ones and he lifts me up so that we both stood.

"Thanks,"I mumble looking down. I don't know why but Nick made me shy. I wasn't sure it was the pregnancy or if it was normal but I blame the hormones, once again.

Nick's long finger curled underneath my chin and urged my face up so that our eyes could meet. His beautiful oceanic gaze peered into my ordinary brown eyes.

"Eve, why are you acting so shy?" he asks, his brows pulling together in confusion.

I shrug letting out a deep breath of frustration. I didn't really know. Maybe it was because I was fat and he probably didn't want me and I was extremely unappealing.

"Eve, you aren't fat,"He sighs, reading my mind.

"How did you--"

"That's not important. I feel like I'm failing as a husband. I can never seem to make you feel good about yourself. I don't want you to view yourself as anything but beautiful because you are. I hate that you see yourself that way, you're the sexiest, most appealing women I've ever seen."

"Even though I've gained all this weight?"

One corner of his lips curls up in a half smile. "That makes you more attractive. The fact that you are carrying my child, mindlessly nurturing our daughter just makes you so much more beautiful and stronger. You're amazing and don't forget that." He leans forward and presses a kiss against my forehead.

Backing away he takes my hand and we walk downstairs and out of the house to the car. He opens the door for me and closes it once I'm settled comfortable in the seat. I buckle my seat belt, squirming in the seat just a little to get myself comfortable.

By the time I was satisfied Nick had settled in the driver's seat and was backing out of the driveway. I lean my had against the headrest and massaged a spot of my abdomen where Kelsie had pressed her foot into. She had been doing alot of moving around and settling lately. There was always an unexpected kick or nudge and it was sort of amazing in a way yet it sometimes was a bit painful like a sting. I only basked in the astonishing feeling.

"Hey, So I talked to Kelly today,"Nick's voice brought me out of my thoughts. He was glancing over at me but maintaining his focus on the road.

"I'm sorry what were you saying?" I turn my face completely, momentarily taking in his appearance. He looks so casual in his blue polo shirt and blue Jean pants. His large feet are encased in beige boots. After my slow tour of his body, my eyes fell to his gorgeous face.

For months that face only showed up in my dreams, in wild fantasies and sometimes nightmares. I worried about him while he was gone. My head conjuring images of him being blown to bits or being gunned down. Those weren't good thoughts to be circling a pregnant women. I had to take meditation classes to calm down and take it easy.

I could only see his side profile as he focused on the road ahead. Traffic today was busy. This was Los Angeles, though. Busy streets are to be expected.

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