CH 24: "Not Your Enemy"

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T H E strength of his pulse, forceful thump of his heart against his ribs, failed to ease off as Devlin slowly dressed, his eyes never leaving Abel. A quiet, inward whimper trembled his chest when the boy's jeans pulled up, concealing his perfect ass.

Now that their heightened passions, suppressed hungers, had been dealt with...Abel seemed to revert back to the boy Devlin found more recognizable. But with that boy, came some of the uncertainties as well. He was beginning to develop a look behind those lovely amber eyes that cried with a shred of panic – What did I do?

Devlin moved towards him, unwilling to let him withdrew from this amazing thing that had just happened between them. More than amazing – colossal. From where Devlin stood, it had been a pure gold miracle. Not for one moment had he imagined that his decision to come here and talk to Abel – would result in this. It was more than he would have even dared to dream could happen.

"Does this mean..." he stepped up behind Abel and rested his hands on the boy's arms, rubbing softly. His skin was still hot to the touch, and lightly tacky from sweat. That alone caused Devlin's body to spark and reignite. "...that we can have coffee again...or even lunch?" He didn't want to push, regardless of what just took place. Abel clearly viewed the world inside the club walls as some form of alternate universe...possibly a refuge. He felt safe here, whereas outside these walls he obviously did not. Just because he let himself take liberties here on the inside – it didn't necessarily mean anything would change out there.

The boy didn't answer, but Devlin felt his chest rise and fall a bit more quickly. He closed his eyes and touched his lips to Abel's damp hair. "I don't know what happened to you in the past." he lied softly. "But I feel that it was bad...really bad. If someone hurt you, betrayed you, caused you harm in any way...they're gone now." His hands slid down Abel's arms, his fingers intertwining with the boy's. He kissed his shoulder. "I'm not them, baby...I'm not your enemy."

Abel squeezed his fingers around Devlin's hands, then turned and faced him, touching his fingertips to the man's stomach. "I know. You're a good man..." the corner of his mouth twitched just a little – a ghost of a smile – but it was enough for relief to surge through him. "At least that's what Savannah keeps telling me."

A soft smile curved across Devlin's face. "Bless that child." he whispered and kissed the boy's heavenly lips.

Moaning, Abel squeezed Devlin's waist, extending the kiss, eyes partially closed but still looking at him from beneath thick blond lashes, causing Devlin's pulse to surge and sputter. He drew back enough to end the kiss but not so much that his mouth abandoned the man's lips. "Yes." his soft whisper caressed Devlin's senses as well as his lips. "I'll have coffee with you."

Devlin trembled. Thank you, God.

♦ ♦

The two men appeared a bit flushed in the cheeks, faces somewhat glossy, when Abel stepped into the doorway of the dressing room, crossed his arms loosely over his chest and leaned against the door frame.

"Hey." A wry smile split Cole's lips, his breath just a bit quick. No surprise what had been going on in here. "Took you long enough. What fall in love?" Gabe chuckled, but his soft blue eyes glowed with an inner happiness for Abel. Of course Cole would have clued him in.

Abel stared at Cole, eyes slightly narrowed. But still the smile played at the edges of his mouth. "Fuck you." He rolled his eyes, ducked his head and laughed softly as both men grinned. Stepping inside, he went to Cole and hugged him tight. "Bet you think you're just some kind of clever motherfucker, don't you?"

The Phoenix Club (written as CJ Bishop)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें