CH 16: "One More Try"

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W H E N Abel stretched and touched bodies on both sides of him, he was somewhat surprised to find the two men still in bed with him, with the morning light pushing through the window.

Gabe was on his stomach, face buried in the pillow, out cold. But when he turned towards Cole, the man rolled onto his side and propped up on one elbow. He brushed the back of his fingers down Abel's cheek. "Sleep well, honey." Cole teased lightly.

Laughing softly, Abel hugged the pillow against his cheek. "I did." he whispered. "Better than I have in a long time...maybe ever."

" bad dreams last night?" Cole asked sincerely.

"No." Abel smiled. "Only good ones."

"Good." Cole kissed him. "That's what I like to hear." He laid down against the pillow and Abel rubbed his fingertips across the man's chest. Cole intertwined his fingers with Abel's then kissed them. "You were amazing last night." Cole said softly. "You're a wonderful lover."

Abel smiled and bit his lip. "So are you." his smile widened. "And Gabe."

"Just don't tell him that." Cole whispered in a conspiratorial low voice. "He already knows he's a love god...if his ego gets any bigger, his head will explode."

Abel laughed.

"I heard that." Gabe mumbled, voice muffled by the pillow.

"Heard what?" Cole winked at Abel. "We didn't say anything."

Gabe slowly twisted onto his side. "Yeah, sure." He kissed Abel's shoulder. "He telling stories about me?"

"Umm..." Abel looked thoughtful then squealed when Cole tickled him.

"Don't be snitching on me, boy." Cole grinned.

"Okay, okay!" Abel laughed and Cole ceased his assault. He cleared his throat and pressed his back against Gabe's chest as the man's arm curled around him. He looked at Cole. "I feel better." he said quietly.

"Better how?" Cole murmured.

He shrugged and his throat knotted a little. "I don't know. I just feel...different. Not as..." Tears stung his eyes. "...broken."

Gabe kissed the nape of his neck. "A little love goes a long way, baby."

Brushing his cheek with his fingertips, Cole kissed him. "You're not broken, Abel." he whispered. "Just will heal." he kissed his brow and smiled. "And probably leave us to marry your snazzy doctor and live high on the hog in your ivory tower, while we're left behind to dance our asses off in the gutter."

Abel laughed and shoved at his chest. "Whatever. I'm not gonna marry..." his smile faltered and dropped his eyes. "Him."

"I want to meet this handsome doctor you guys keep talking about." Gabe said. "Judge for myself is he's good enough for our boy here."

"Would you guys stop?" Abel smiled but it felt weighted. "Even if I felt comfortable being...with him..." he swallowed tight and shook his head. "Once he found what I did to make money...he wouldn't even want to know me."

Gabe hugged him. "What's wrong with being a stripper?" he murmured against his ear. "A lot of people find that sexy as hell. He might see that as a perk."

"I doubt it." Abel sat forward and drew up his knees beneath the blankets, shoving his hands through his hair. "And it's moot anyway because I can't be with I was with you guys last night." He crawled out of bed. "It'll never happen."

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Devlin changed his shift schedule, rearranged his rounds – all in hopes of having a better chance of encountering Abel. Not that he had any clue what to say to the kid once he was face to face with him again. But he'd cross that bridge when he came to it.

The Phoenix Club (written as CJ Bishop)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora