CH 11: "A Moment Alone"

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W H Y had he agreed to go with the man?

Rather than leading the way to the hospital cafeteria, the doctor suggested they go to the small coffee shop about a block down from the hospital. Abel had no viable reason to refuse and walked the block in silence as the man made small talk about the weather and such.

They took a table at the back of the coffee shop near a large plate glass window. Sun rays were beginning to pour through, warming Abel's right cheek.

"I thought the coffee here might be more digestible than in the cafeteria." the guy offered with a note of humor.

His smile was intoxicating, and magnetic – causing the corners of Abel's mouth to twitch. His eyes crept to the man's lips, his fantasies of the doctor beginning to swirl inside his head. A sudden hardening of the crotch startled Abel and his cheeks warmed beyond the effects of the sun. He was unnerved by the man's intense gaze and needed to bring things back to an official level...and away from all things personal.

"How long will it take to get Savannah's test results back, Dr. Grant?" he asked low, allowing activity outside the window to draw his eyes, keeping them off the doctor's handsome face.


"Huh?" Abel cast a quick glance at the man.

"My name is Devlin." That smile again, slinking around Abel's heart, squeezing, quickening his breath. "I prefer first opposed to titles."

Abel nodded and made a valiant attempt not to get swept away in the man's midnight eyes, but they had the hypnotic effect of the sea, ebbing at the edges of his heart like a gentle surf, urging him to come take a dip in my refreshing depths.

The waitress appeared at their table just seconds before Abel was about to test the waters. The interruption was welcome. What the hell had he been thinking? He couldn't allow himself to get caught up in the man. It would be as unfair to Devlin as it was to himself.

Devlin. Why did it do funny things to his heart just knowing the man's first name? It made things more personal...and that wasn't good.

They ordered their coffee and for a moment, Devlin's attention shifted to the waitress. He was pleasant, friendly, but though the young woman was quite pretty and was clearly making eyes at him – Devlin showed no personal interest.

As if there was any doubt as to his preferences. The man had been sending silent signals to Abel from the moment they had met. How was it that Devlin was so certain Abel was gay, though? He didn't have that stereotypical demeanor that so many – often falsely – associated with gay men. Yet the man just seemed to know. Of course, perhaps all his discreet glances of interest weren't so discreet after all. Cole had picked up on them right away.

The waitress left and Devlin's eyes landed on him once more. "To answer your question," Devlin said. "It should only take a day or so for the results to come back." Abel nodded and pressed his lips tight, keeping his gaze on the table. "What we're looking for...hoping to a CD4 level higher than two hundred."

"What is...CD4?" Abel lifted his eyes, his brow creased.

"CD4 cells are infection fighting cells. White blood cells. The higher the count, the better the immune system is working. Two hundred or below..." he licked his lips then rubbed a slow hand across his mouth. "Is often an indicator that the HIV virus has transitioned into AIDS."

Abel felt sick. He could feel the blood drain from his face and thought he must be white as a sheet. This was all so surreal. His whole life seemed like one long horror movie, and anymore...he just wanted it to be over. Roll the fucking credits already.

The Phoenix Club (written as CJ Bishop)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن