CH 18: "Comfort Zone"

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"Y O U sure you're ready to come back?" Max sat at the end of the bar, a scotch on the rocks before him. He absently twisted the glass back and forth.

It had been two days since Savannah's setback and him telling Devlin point-blank that he didn't want another date with him – a lie, but a necessary one, despite how bad it hurt. He barely felt the throb in his back anymore, and the direct pain was gone. He couldn't take sitting in the apartment another day, his thoughts torturing him on so many levels that a handful of sleeping pills was beginning to sound more and more appealing.

Returning to work seemed the preferred option, he had decided.

It felt good to be home. Back in his comfort zone. But his relief and joy was overshadowed by tomorrow's meeting with Dr. Jacobs. He had told Abel yesterday that the tests results would be ready and he wanted to discuss them with him – then together, talk to Savannah. The treatment for the PCP was helping, and she seemed to be recovering from that...but it was merely a symptom of a much worse condition. The test results would tell them how much worse.

Gabe and Cole had already insisted on being there with him when the doctor discussed the results with Abel. There had been no point in fighting them on it, and in truth he felt relieved that they would be there. If it turned out to be the worst case scenario, Abel was sure he would break and he needed Cole and Gabe there to pick up the pieces when he did.

"Yeah." he told Max now. "I'm good to go."

The man nodded and sipped his scotch. "All right. It's good to have you back." He set the glass down, concern tightening his brow. "How is Savannah doing?"

"Okay...for now." Abel said quietly. "The test results will be in tomorrow."

Max nodded. "Yeah, that's what Cole said." he murmured. "He and Gabe are going with you?"

Abel nodded.

"Good." he sighed. "You shouldn't have to go there alone." His lips pressed tight. "I really hope the news is good, Abel. As good as it can be, anyway. Savannah's a good kid. It's a fucking shame this had to happen."

Abel stared at the floor, throat tight, just wanting to find a customer to distract his thoughts.

"Have you thought anymore about Kaplan's offer?" Max murmured. "He's been asking."

Shaking his head, Abel shrugged. "I can't think about that just yet." he said quietly. "Maybe after I talk to the doctor tomorrow..." But regardless of what the test results were, Savannah would still need treatment and medication – for the rest of her life. If he could make enough from Kaplan to pay for it in advance, maybe he could start figuring out a way where he didn't need the man's money.

"All right." Max nodded slowly. "Like I said, it's up to you what you decide."

Right, Abel thought sourly. There was no choice. "I'll let you know." Abel mumbled and left the bar, making his way back to the dressing rooms.

He stripped down and was pulling on a sparkling red G-string when Cole stepped in. A low whistle brought a smile to Abel's face despite his distorted thoughts. "It isn't like you haven't seen this look a thousand times."

"True." Cole chuckled. "But you've been away, and I've missed it."

Abel shook his head. "You've spent the last three nights in my bed. What, exactly, have you been missing?"

"Well, be fair now." Cole smiled. "Two of those three nights...I've merely slept in your bed. And you weren't bare assed – which, by the way, was damn cruel. Giving us a taste of your heavenly sweetness then taking it away." He clucked his tongue, and smirked. "You evil little tease."

The Phoenix Club (written as CJ Bishop)Where stories live. Discover now