CH 19: "Say It Isn't So"

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I T was quite impossible not to watch Abel and his two friends with renewed interest. When Abel stood to leave, the two men stood with him. Cole cupped his head and kissed his brow, and told him softly that he would get through this, he wasn't alone. Gabe hugged him with deep affection and Devlin couldn't stop his mind from wondering what their relationship consisted of. There seemed to be an intimacy between the three that went beyond mere friendship.

Devlin cut his thoughts off there. He ached for and desired Abel on levels he hadn't even known existed, and found himself desperately jealous that these two men could freely touch him when Devlin himself couldn't so much as hold his hand.

Gabe and Cole left the room with Abel, walking him to Savannah's floor. Devlin forced himself to stay behind, rather than trailing the boy like a lost puppy looking for affection. His presence wouldn't be welcome, even at a short distance.

Just give it up. More than likely, he is already involved with one of these men – if not both. You don't stand a chance. Abel is from a world you can't be a part of.

♦ ♦

"Are you sure you want to do this alone?" Cole asked again. They stood outside Savannah's room.

I'm scared shitless, Abel thought. What was he going to say? Maybe he should have let Dr. Jacobs come with him to break the initial news to her, or even Devlin-

No, not Devlin. His presence would only make things worse, more difficult.

"Yeah." Emotion strained his voice and he knew his fear showed through.

Gabe cupped his face and kissed him, then hugged him. "We're right here if you change your mind." he murmured.

Abel's arms tightened around Gabe a fraction, then released. "Thank you." Drawing a deep breath, he released slow and entered the room.

The top half of Savannah's bed was elevated and she was looking through one of her magazines. When she heard the door open, she looked up and smiled big. "Abel." There was always excitement in her voice when she saw he was there to visit her. "I didn't know if you were coming in today."

"Haven't I been in every day?" he smiled, an instant knot forming, choking him.

"Dr. Jacobs said he had some things to discuss with you." There was uncertainty in her voice suddenly. "Did you talk to him already?"

Abel's lips tightened and he nodded, his feet like lead weights as he approached her bed.

A shimmer of fear shadowed her bright green eyes. "What...what did he say?" she licked her lips. "Can I go home soon? I feel a lot better."

Her face blurred as tears came up instantly and his chin trembled. He bit his lip hard and ducked his head, covering his face with his hand.

"Abel?" fear quivered in her quiet voice. "Abel, what's wrong?"

"Fuck." he choked and shoved his fingers through his hair and raised his head, tears thick in his eyes. "Savannah..." his throat locked, imprisoning the fateful words. He rubbed a quick hand over his mouth and swallowed hard, struggling to dislodge the lump, but it remained.

"What did...Dr. Jacobs say?" she asked unsteadily, her lovely eyes filling up. "Abel? Is there something wrong with me?"

His eyes closed briefly, tears seeping out, running down his cheeks.

"What's...wrong with me, Abel?" her chin trembled as his inability to tell her the truth was enough to let her know it was bad. Real bad.

"Savannah..." he sniffed and wiped his face. " have...HIV."

The Phoenix Club (written as CJ Bishop)Where stories live. Discover now