I've Got What I Wanted. Part 14

Start from the beginning

And Stephanie finishes on Monday which means she won’t see Caleb ever day. She hasn’t flirted with him as much as she used to. Which is a little bit weird to me. But she may have moved on from him. Whatever really, we don’t really talk about it anymore. When we go over to my dad’s Caleb doesn’t really talk about it that much. I guess that meeting a few months had something to do with it. But I don’t mind.

I don’t have the energy to care. I’m so tired and stressed. I honestly think I could sleep for two weeks straight. I guess staying up late at night studying isn’t a good idea. And then I’m running between classes and tutoring with Cahill. It just piles up and it just adds weight to your shoulders. But when the exams are over, I can just relax for a few months before I go back to Uni.

And Beth is back in two weeks which is great. I’ve had to fill her in on all the stuff with Stephanie and Adam since Christmas. But when she comes back, I can’t wait to go out with her. I know I have Aaron, but it’s not the same. I need my best friend that isn’t a guy. I kind of wished she went to Uni here instead of moving away. Bu I knew she always wanted to move away.

I pulled up in the parking lot in the school. There weren’t too many cars here. School finished ten minutes ago, so I’m guessing some teachers went home before the meetings tonight. Which I don’t see why Caleb doesn’t just do that. I climbed out of the car and locked it. I think I should maybe get an early night tonight. Just go home and relax for a few hours and head to bed early. That sounds like a great plan.

As I was walking down the English corridor towards the History block, I felt someone grab my arm. I turned around to see who it was, but I was pulled into a room before I could see who it was. My heart was beating a hundred times fast than it should when I heard the door shut. I turned around and saw Adam standing there.

“What the hell Adam?” I said as my heartbeat slowed down. “I could’ve had I bloody heart attack.” I sat against the table, slowing my heart down. “What the hell do you want?” I asked looking back up at him.

“I just want to talk. You haven’t spoken to me in months.” He said sitting on the desk opposite me.

“You know why Adam. Ever since you’ve came back you’ve been a complete asshole. I can’t be bothered listening to your little snide comments here and there. And I know you’re always going to say something, so the easiest way not to hear it is to not talk to you.”

“Well what do you expect me to do? You know I don’t like that you’re dating him.” He said with such disgust.

“But it’s got nothing to do with you though. I don’t care who you date, and you shouldn’t care who I date.” Maybe years ago I would’ve cared about who he dated. But now, I really couldn’t care less. He isn’t the same guy that left years ago. I know people change, but I never expected him to change as much as he did.

“But it does because you used to go out with me. I think that gives me a right to have an opinion on who you’re going out with now.” I laughed tilting my head back.

“It doesn’t though. I won’t have an opinion on anyone you date. You’re going to be dating them, big deal. I really don’t care who you date. You don’t have the right to say anything about my life.” He sighed, ran a hand through my hair. “I’m happy I don’t see why you don’t just accept that.”

“Because you’re my friend and I care about you.” He let out a breath and looked up at me. “Do you remember that day we went to town just before I left?” I furrowed my eyebrows confused. The time we went to town before he left? I can’t remember some of yesterday to be honest. Unless he was talking about the time he said he loved me?

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