The American Dream

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opportunities slip through my fingers grasp
My body stands idle and alone
Alone with the windows' draft
and the minds' wonders
an untold future, an unexpected end
though my stomach rumbles not of lack but sufficiency
And my stride stumbles not of exhaustion but complacency
I no longer can pick myself up
No longer will I try

For man has given me all I'll ever need
But man forgot the only thing I'll ever need;
Which is hope

Hope to carry the burden of their evil past.
Hope to forgive and forget
Hope for the single mothers and single fathers

We must do better than our parents
And pull our limbs out of the quick sand
To struggle for knowledge and seek guidance
From brothers and sisters
whose wisdom
and pride brought us
to where we are today

The 1st generation,
of men and woman who came for a better life.
A generation with a weight to uphold it's rights.
Although the odds are against them
And their skin isn't the right color
And their speech is without the right intonation,
Their minds are set straight

Hail, to those whose minds are set straight
Thinking aligned with success
And actions a product of their dreams.
Patience to this generation that determines the future,
of a country planned for only one
type of human.


This is part of an assignment I had for English class on the American Dream and what it means to you. We've been reading a play called 'A Raisin in The Sun' , which takes place in Chicago during the 1950's. This idea of the 'American Dream' comes up repeatedly and whether it is achievable for everyone. I believe it is, but it is quite apparent not everyone has an equal opportunity. But with hard work overcoming these disparities and mile long gaps in the system, we may all achieve our dreams.

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