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like the two-winged creatures that spread themselves and glide across the sky to a destination unknown

With light feathers but heavy mouths that seek to quench their burning hunger

like the sun stretching its golden rays and hugging the trees everyday, like a mother does to her child

The rays in search of something to reflect off of and share its light

like the way I dream when my eyes flutter closed and my mind is in tune
with my spirit
The way Angels are in tune with God
And the way the moon is tune with the earth
Following and almost falling
Obliviously drawn together by a power that doesn't regard wants or needs
But somehow knows how things are supposed to be

Like these objects that bind our universe together, I want to be

When my legs stretch upwards
And my body dips curvaceously
And I grow in knowledge
I want my dreams to come true

I want to fall in love
Drawn together by a power that selfishly binds you
And no matter how desperately you want to leave
That same power drags you back
Because it knows how things are supposed to be

I want to love myself
To love the skin I'm in
Because not many people can say the sun loves them and soaks into them
Giving you a light others are covetous of

And I will dream, I will dream until I can open my eyes and say that my dreams are a reality



I wrote this poem while sitting by my big living room window, admiring the clear clouds and it made me think a lot for some reason. I hope you enjoyed it, comment what this poem made you think of and what it made you feel. :)

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