Reclaiming My Culture

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The rhythm,
It moves from the palms of our hands
To the stretched fabric of the drums
Its with us with our swaying gait
Our hips moving, left and right,
Our heads grooving, up and down
Our speech mimicking, the baboom baboom beat

The crown,
It gathers in curls, kinks, and coils atop our heads
Each strand stretches towards the sky
Beckoning the clouds, the sun, the stars to say hello
Each intricate pattern, braid, and plait
Are our stories and tales of freedom and escape

The labor,
It drips down our foreheads, the sweat glistening
The plump muscles of our arms and legs throbbing
Our minds running circles, and tangling in thoughts
For we are the dreams of our ancestors
The days they thought would never come

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