I'm only 15

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A direct correlation between age and maturity
Yet when I speak, I don't sound like the majority
They tell me I have no idea
what I'm talking about
But they got grey hairs and still shout;
"Wait till you get into the real world!"
Oh? Am I not living a reality?
Do I not cry on your shoulder
And practice morality?
Do I not see my parents struggle to get that dollar?
And do I not question the authority?

I'm only 15.
Yet I feel older.
Informed and awoken,
I couldn't be bolder.
I use my voice and
speak on issues that matter to me.
You speak on things that matter to you,
but don't matter to me.
No, I don't pay bills, or care for four children.
No, I don't work a 9-5 or get drunk off just a 'lil bit .
But I can see the world before my eyes,
I can think for myself and reason and decide.

Yes, I don't know everything.
Yes, I want to know everything
But that's the beauty of it all,
I got more years than you to see the beauty of it all.
I'm seeing a world transform before me,
your seeing an age disappear.
I am the future, you are the past.
And my path is so clear.

You gotta be so condescending!
I'm just trying to reach success.
You hold me back, you make me take a test.
And what does this prove?
Who can sit for 3 hours,
in the same seat,
at the same desk,
in the same room,
just to take a test!

You don't you teach me what really matters,
why don't you teach us about 'life' matters?
How will I know my civil rights,
so I don't get shot up at night.
How about my taxes,
so I don't end up drowning in debt.
What about mortgages on a house,
you pay for the rest of your life.
Or that Mercedes-Benz you own, but don't really own.
But no, now I know the Pythagorean theorem.
Isn't that great, that will definitely tell me how to pay off my student loans!

So, tell me, why I know these things,
If I'm only 15.
Young, dumb, and immature,
and apparently not living in the real world.


That part

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 16, 2018 ⏰

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