A normal day for me

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A Normal Day For Me

Tugged out of my state of blissfulness
Painfully aware of what's to come
I arise from the clouds above

Hot Pellets of water awaken my
Tired extremities
And dull garments
Cover them up

I stand as my hand wraps around the pole
And the cart sways me back and fourth
Pressed up against someone in a suit
Pushed into another my age
Stepping on someone's shoes
Droning out everything else
with headphones that play familiar tunes
Insulted by someone's smells
And advertised a pair of boobs

This is only the beginning
It starts at Union square
and continues on foot to 18th
Hundreds of other students
struggle to order a
bacon, egg and cheese

The soles of my feet protest each step
As I drag them up four flights
I'm suffocating in this room that goes against my rights
I struggle to stay awake as the teachers voice mulls on
My face brightens up,
when the bell is rung

And this is a normal day for me
Just press repeat



Some days feel longer than others.....

But this is a brief look into my day as a High school student in NYC.

Comment where you live in the world. :)

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