Chapter 6

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"So aren't you suppose to be wearing some sort of scary, black hood and carrying around a bloody axe thing?"

Death rolled his eyes, running a hand through his pitch black hair and does a waving motion with the other, making a small pebble appear in the palm of his hand.

My mouth dropped at his ability to make an object appear at will, even though he's done it for the sixth time now.

After a few hours of conversation, I actually still haven't gotten the hang of this whole Death/coma thing.

The only problem is, Death or Demetri or whatever, won't tell me how the hell to get back.

Okay, so he told me I was the one who could do it, but he didn't tell me how. It's not like I can click the heels of my combat boots together and end up home.

"You watch too many movies," his smooth voice rung through the silence.

"So where are we going exactly?"

"And you ask too many questions."

I scoffed, walking ahead of him and crossing my arms across his chest. I was seriously getting irritated by the lack of answers. I mean, I know he's Death and all, but he doesn't have to he that sketchy.

I felt a cold hand wrap around my arm, pulling me back a couple of steps. I twisted on my heel, my mouth forming a thin line as he let out an exasperated sigh.

I stared into his stony cold eyes as he threw the pebble ahead, and I turned to see that the pebble had skipped in midair as it would in water.

My eyebrows slowly raised as my jaw slacked, completely in awe of how the air had rippled.

"Listen," he says casually, as if he hadn't just made air splash, "I think we should just lay down the ground rules right now."

I pulled a sour face, crossing my arm across my chest and leaning back a bit.

Ground rules? What am I, five?

He gave me a quick look up and down before raising an eyebrow and biting his lower lip, obviously trying to sustain a chuckle.

"Okay, while we're on our way-"

"Where? On our way where?" I interrupt, throwing my hands up in frustration.

"You'll see where when we get there," he sauntered around me slowly, his arms dangling by his side, "Now, first rule of the journey ahead of us-"

"Uh, excuse me, and how long is that?" I chimed in again, causing his eyebrows to furrow in frustration.

"No asking questions," he let out through gritted teeth, "The second thing is no touching-"

I scoffed, "As if."

He made a thin line with his mouth as he closed his eyes, lifting his finger in front of me and slightly shaking it, as if he was losing all his patience.

"Number three," he opens his eyes, raising an eyebrow, "I choose the music," he smirks.

I furrow my eyebrows and mumble, "Music?"

As if on cue, a loud, ear-piercing sound of a guitar shatters the silence, making me double over and clamp my hand over my ears, practically begging for it to stop.

I hear a chuckle through the horrific sound that he calls music, and I feel Death's hand clasp mine, pulling it away from my ear, "Come on."

*** ***

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