Chapter 5

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The bright light illuminating the room made it hard for me to keep my eyes closed, and I had expected to find wires taped to me and a monitor beeping annoyingly but there was nothing. Nothing other than a perfectly white room and deafening silence.

I immediately shot up from the bed I was in, my heart beat accelerating at an irregular rate as I tried to remember what had happened to me. Retracing my steps was much harder than I thought it would be with my throbbing head.

I stood up, when I realized I was no longer wearing the tight red dress, but instead, tight, black skinny jeans and a black undershirt that hugged my body tightly.

Wasn't I suppose to be wearing an uncomfortable hospital gown?

I stood there in confusion, and it wasn't long until my breathing became ragged and my head started to pound again.

I looked around the blindingly white room, walking back and forth to all four walls, trying to find a way out.

Panic was starting to creep its way into my head and just when I was about to let out a scream, I heard the faint creek of a door.

I ever so slowly turned around, watching as one side of the wall opened.

My breathe hitched as I stepped closer to the door, seeing as the place it leads to is pitch black.

My legs were shaking, barely keeping me up and moving while my hands were in fists so tight, I'm sure my nails were digging deep into my palms.

My steps were gradually becoming heavier, slower. I stepped to the foot of the door, trying to regain my breath, and trying my hardest to keep the tears that are surfacing intact.

I ran a wobbly hand through my surprisingly tame hair, my lip quivering and an uneasy feeling took place in the pit of my stomach as I stared at the nothingness of the other side.

I let out a shriek when something grabbed me, pulling me into the darkness. I immediately shut my eyes, bracing myself for what's to come. After preparing myself for the worst possible outcome, whatever had grabbed me let go, but I didn't dare look.

"You can open your eyes now."

I jumped back maybe a few feet in the air, heart racing when I opened my eyes and saw something I didn't expect.

A young man.

I stared at him with wide eyes, and it seemed as though I was glued in place, unable to move or form words.

"Took you longer than usual to step out, you know," his husky, low voice escaped his pale lips, which curved into a small side smile.

I look around me, finally finding the strength to maintain control of my body. I was no longer in a secluded white room, and when I turned around, I saw that the door to the room had disappeared.

My eyes widened a fraction more, and once again I couldn't find my ability to speak to the strange man that had pulled me into the darkness.

As I looked around, I was, to say the least, surprised that the pitch black doorway was an entrance to a dying forest.

The trees around me weren't filled with beautiful green leaves. Instead, the brown and yellow leaves were falling around us, like everything was dying.

That's when it clicked.

"Am I dead?" I spoke aloud unintentionally, catching the attention of the boy who was on the other side of me, leaning against the dying tree.

He was wearing dark clothes, jagged and ripped; it was giving him a messy and dangerous look.

His jet black hair looked uncombed, as it stuck out in many directions.

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