15: Stolen Kisses

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"What was that for?"I asked, trying to keep a straight face even though his laugh sounded hilarious.

He gasped for a moment before straightening and giving me a smirk,"You told me not to open the door for you anymore."

I rolled me eyes,"You're such a smartass. Why did I ever date you? Could you please remind me?" I teased.

He just bumped his arm against mine and we made our way up to the register. But, of course, we had to run into somebody. Because obviously life hates me.

"Hello Danielle,"Henry greeted me from across the counter, his face expressionless.

"Henry,"I nodded and signaled to Brandon to order.

He gave me yet another weird look before reciting what he wanted. Then it was my turn,"I'll have a-"

But Henry cut me off before I could finish,"Tall Cinnamon Dolce Latte with whole milk, hold the whip cream."

I gave him a sad look and nodded,"Yeah."

He just returned his attention to the register and then turned around to make the drinks. When he finally had them made and he was once again faced toward us, the only thing he said was,"Would you like to pay separately?"


"Okay. That'll be $4.25 each."

I nodded and hastily handed him a wrinkled five, Brandon handing over his money as well. We took our drinks and, with one final look at Henry, I followed him to an empty table.

"Well that was awkward,"Brandon said once we were seated, wrinkling his nose.

I just gave a light laugh,"You're telling me."

Small talk ensued. It was always very easy with Brandon. We could talk about anything and everything. He could always make me laugh and smile. I was never stressed or frustrated around him. Easy, unlike someone else I know.

But, when Brandon's hand accidentally brushed mine my heart didn't go into overdrive. His laugh didn't send shivers up my spine. His smile didn't make me want to swoon. There was only one guy I knew that could do all of these things....

Speaking of the devil, the familiar bell above the door chimed and I had to refrain myself from letting out a groan when I saw who it was. Could this day seriously get anymore awkward?

Roy didn't glance my way, whether on purpose or on accident I'm not sure. He just walked straight to the register and ordered. While waiting though, he happened to turn around and look my way to catch me staring at him with what probably looked like a mixture of hurt and frustrating anger on my face.

When he noticed me staring, unlike me, he didn't let any emotion slide onto his face. He kept it perfectly blank except for a smirk. And then he took being an asshole to a WHOLE other level.

I watched as he swung back around to give the worker a dazzling smile, Henry had taken off and was now replaced with a pretty blonde with way too much makeup caked on her face. He continued to flirt with her, even though his coffee was most likely getting cold and there was like four people in line behind him. The worst part, the chick was a total bitch.

"She is such a bitch,"I grumbled, my arms grumpily crossed.

He just rolled his eyes and took a sip of his drink,"Is that so? Maybe all she did was flirt with the guy that you are in love with, even though you are too stubborn to admit it."

All I did in turn was send him a glare before standing up with my drink and marched to the counter where the two love birds were still chatting away.

Stolen Kisses (NaNoWriMo 2013)Where stories live. Discover now