Preferences (Colors)

Depuis le début

"We can see! We can see colors!"

Students stop to watch as he picks you up and spins you around happily.

"We can see color!"

Some students walked away, jealous that another person had found a soulmate and they had not. But many students stopped to smile at the happiness dancing in your eyes as you kissed your soulmate on the cheek.

"No... No... Stop, don't..."

You writhe in bed, whimpers echoing in the motel room. A figure stands above, watching as the nightmare progresses.

"Don't hurt him, don't take him away... I'll give you my soul, please..."

"Don't hurt him. Stop it... DEAN!"

"(Y/n), wake up!"

A gruff voice rips you out of your nightmare. You sit up, gasping. Sweat trickles down your forehead and mixes with tears. You turn your head to look at the man next to you. But he isn't really a man. You can tell.

Color floods your vision, even in the dim light. You shift your gaze to look at his eyes. They're blue. The bluest blue to ever blue. You almost laugh out loud.

You stand up, using him as support. Once you're standing, you touch his face. He looks slightly uncomfortable but doesn't say anything.

"I can see. Your eyes are blue. You have blue eyes."

You touch his hair and then move your hand back to your side.

"Who are you?"

"Castiel, angel of the lord."

You smile up at him.

"Nice to meet you, soulmate."

Shouts of pain come out of your mouth.

"That's just pathetic."

A sharp object jabs itself into one of your wounds and you grit your teeth, stopping the cries of pain. Black liquid spills out of your wounds.


A voice echoes through the dungeon and the demon sets the utensil back down.

"Sir, I-"

"Get out."



The demon quickly scampers out of the dungeon, hurrying to obey his orders. You look up at the newcomer, tears staining your bloody face. Your eyebrows raise up when you see the red rose tucked in his lapel. You look down at yourself. The previously black liquid is a dark red, almost brown.

He unties the bounds keeping you down and you shoot up, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you, thank you!"

"Alright, that's enough, get off me."

You quickly obey. If that demon had reason to be scared of him, than you probably do too.

"Yes, of course."

You look him up and down and almost start crying all over again.

"What is the matter with you? I just helped you!"

You grip his arms and he lifts you up into a standing position.

"You don't understand. I can see!"

"Yes, so can I. It's great, isn't it?"


Your voice cracks but you smile at him.

"I can see in color! You're my soulmate!"

You stand in the candy store, looking around at all the options. A large lollipop is labeled with the words


But you don't know what rainbow is. Not really. Bags of gummy bears are scattered on the shelf. It says there are many colors, many flavors, but all you can see are shades of grey.

You stare at the wrapper of a chocolate bar. You don't know what color the wrapper is, or what color the chocolate is. All you know is it tastes good. Everything is dull.

You frown at the large selection of sweets and turn to leave when you see him. Words pop into your brain, words you barely even know the meaning of.

He has amber eyes, eyes that are looking right back at you. Pushed back golden hair. He's colorful. Before you know it, color seeps into everything around you as well. The rainbow lollipop, a large mixture of colors. The gummy bears, multiple colors. The chocolate bars. You open it. It's brown.

Taking a bite out of it, it seems to taste one million times better than it used to. You look back up to find the man to realize he's right in front of you.

"Who are you?"

"They call me Gabriel, but you can call me anytime, especially since we appear to be soulmates."

You blush at the comment and smile.

"Nice to meet you, soulmate."

When you first saw him, you didn't even realize. But when color started seeping into your vision, your eyes snapped back to him to see he was also staring at you.

"Never thought my soulmate would be this cute."

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