Are You Okay? - Dean x Reader

Start from the beginning

"My family is dead? You killed them?"

"No, we didn't kill them."

"That's what a murderer would say," you reply, hands shaking.

"Look, we were here to save them. But we couldn't. You're the only one left. We're trying to save you!"


"So could you just get in the car?"

"No, I will not." You cross your arms. Your eyes dart between the two as they take a step closer. "What, are you going to kidnap me?"

"If it's necessary."

Your mouth drops open slightly.

They're not kidding.

"Oh, well in that case."

You turn around and make a mad dash for your front door. Suddenly, you feel the ground slipping out from underneath you and two arms carrying you to the car.

"Let go of me!"

Before you can say anything else, your wrists are tied in front of you and you're sitting in the backseat of the car, tears pricking at your eyes.

You let the men lead you into a bunker of some kind. Your eyes take a moment to adjust to the light, but when they do, your mouth drops open.


"C'mon kid, let's get moving."

"I told you already, I'm not a kid!" You answer angrily, glancing back at Dean. In reply he only smirks, making your anger flare up even more. First these men kidnap you, and then they annoy you on purpose. Tears of frustration bloom in your eyes and you stumble down the stairs.

"We have a room you could stay in-"

You don't let him finish. Instead you run to god knows where.

The bunker is really easy to get lost in. You discover this when you get lost after about two minutes. Finally, you enter a bedroom. It isn't small, but it isn't especially big either. You click the door shut behind you and sit on the bed. It's comfortable. You move towards the top of the bed and get under the covers. It takes only a minute for you to get comfortably positioned under the covers. Then you let the tears fall. Hot tears that the pillowcase soaks up.

Dean opens the door to his bedroom and finds you under his covers, shoulders shaking ever so slightly.


You stop shaking for a moment but remain in place.

"Hey, kiddo." You don't tell him not to call you that as he sits down next to you. "About earlier, I'm sorry. We just had to get you of there... And things haven't been going well for me. Us..."

You don't answer. He watches you for a moment before looking away with a sigh.

"Anyways, I just wanted to say sorry is all. You know, you're welcome to stay here if you want... You don't really have anywhere else to go, do you?"

You move the covers from your face to look at him.

"Okay. I guess I'm sorry for being difficult. But you gotta understand, I'm young, I was just basically forcefully dragged from my bed, told my family was dead, and that I had to leave with strangers. And scary strangers at that."

You let out a chuckle.

"I'm not that scary." You raise an eyebrow at him. "Am I?"

"Yeah. You kinda are. And so is gigantor. I didn't even know it was possible to be that tall."

This time, Dean chuckles. You study his face for a moment.

Maybe they aren't so bad after all.

"So, I guess thanks for saving me and all. What... happened?"

"That, my friend, is a story for another day. Maybe 10 years from now."

"Not funny, Dean," you reply, laughing anyways.

"Just, not now kiddo. Maybe tomorrow. But not yet."

You sigh in response, letting your gaze drift around the room. Your eyes land on his arm. There is a mark there. It's red, and it's nothing like anything you've seen before.

"What's that? Let me see."

You push back the covers and move closer. You take his forearm in your small hands and brush your thumb across it.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"I'm not playing games, Dean. You okay?"

He doesn't answer for a minute.

"I don't really know."

You aren't quite satisfied with this answer, but you settle down next to him anyways and let him wrap an arm around you.


"Dean, did you find her?"

Sam opens his brother's door to see you and Dean laying on the bed, his arm holding you close to him.

"I'll take that as a yes."

And with that, he shuts the door, going to bed himself.

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